When is uterine bleeding considered to be abnormal?

Escrito por: Mr Osama Naji
Editado por: Conor Lynch

In one of our latest articles here, Mr Osama Naji, a highly revered consultant gynaecologist, details when uterine bleeding is considered to be abnormal, and tells us in what ways ultrasound scanning is used to help with the management of uterine bleeding.

What is abnormal uterine bleeding?

Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is quite the common gynaecological condition, and simply refers to irregular or excessive menstrual bleeding. It can have a variety of causes, including hormonal imbalances, structural abnormalities of the uterus or cervix, and underlying medical conditions. Proper management of AUB often requires a thorough evaluation to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.


How exactly can ultrasound help with the management of it?

Ultrasound is an important imaging modality that can play a crucial role in the management of abnormal uterine bleeding. Ultrasound scans can assess the size and shape of the uterus. Ultrasound can also be used to assess the thickness and appearance of the endometrium, the lining of the uterus.


In addition to evaluating the uterus, ultrasound can also be used to assess the ovaries and surrounding structures. Ovarian cysts, for example, can sometimes cause AUB. Ultrasound can help to identify the presence and size of ovarian cysts, which can then be monitored or treated accordingly.


Another important use of ultrasound in the management of AUB is to guide interventional procedures. For example, ultrasound can be used to guide the placement of a hysteroscope, a thin instrument that is used to visualize the inside of the uterus. Ultrasound can also be used to guide the biopsy of the endometrium or the removal of uterine fibroids or polyps.


Overall, ultrasound is an important tool in the evaluation and management of AUB. It can provide valuable information about the size, shape, and appearance of the uterus and surrounding structures, helping healthcare providers to determine the underlying cause of abnormal uterine bleeding, and thus provide appropriate treatment.


How is abnormal uterine bleeding managed and treated?

The management and treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding depends on the underlying cause and the severity of the bleeding. Some common approaches to managing and treating abnormal uterine bleeding include:


  • medications such as birth control pills
  • dilation and curettage
  • endometrial ablation 
  • hysterectomy


If left untreated, what can potentially happen?

If abnormal uterine bleeding is left untreated, it can lead to a number of serious health problems. Some potential consequences of untreated abnormal uterine bleeding include:


  • anaemia
  • damage to reproductive organs 
  • increased risk of cancer
  • psychological distress 


If you would like to book an appointment with Mr Osama Naji, head on over to his Top Doctors profile today

Por Mr Osama Naji
Ginecología y Obstetricia

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