Zygomatic benefits: how do they work and what are the benefits?

Escrito por: Dr Eduardo Crooke
Editado por: Conor Dunworth

Zygomatic implants are a popular option for people who need dental implants. In contrast to other types of implants, zygomatic implants are implanted into the zygomatic (cheek) bone instead of the maxilla (upper jaw). In his latest article, renowned dentist Dr Eduardo Crooke explains this type of implant in detail. He tells us how they differ from other implants, their benefits and the recovery process following the implantation.


How do zygomatic implants differ from other implants?

They are longer than traditional implants. Zygomatic implants are also placed in the zygomatic or malar bone, instead of the maxilla bone.


How do zygomatic implants work?

They work the same way as traditional implants but their anchorage comes from a higher area.


What kind of patients do zygomatic implants suit?

It is recommended for patients with a lack of bone in posterior areas and those in whom bone regeneration is contraindicated.


What are the benefits of zygomatic implants?

One of the main benefits is that the patient gets immediate loading on the same day of surgery.


What is recovery following zygomatic implantation like?

Following the implantation, the patient will more than likely experience some pain. The patient can deal with this pain with the help of pain medication.  


Is there anything you need to avoid with zygomatic implants?

 As a dentist, you have to avoid harming the anatomical structure of the patient.

As the patient, you have to keep a soft diet until the osteointegration has taken place.


Dr Eduardo Crooke is a highly-revered dentist based in Glasgow & Liverpool. If you would like to book an appointment with Dr Crooke, you can do so today via his Top Doctors profile.

Por Dr Eduardo Crooke
Odontología y estomatología

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