Allianz city Glasgow
Medical staff and centres 2025
Treatments in Glasgow city
- Abdominal pain in Glasgow
- AC joint surgery in Glasgow
- Acellular dermal matrix (ADM) in Glasgow
- Acid reflux in Glasgow
- ACL reconstruction in Glasgow
- Acoustic neuroma in Glasgow
- Acoustic neuroma surgery in Glasgow
- Adenoids in Glasgow
- Allergic nasal polyposis in Glasgow
- Allergic rhinitis in Glasgow
- Allergy in Glasgow
- Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in Glasgow
- Ambulatory ECG monitoring in Glasgow
- Amenorrhoea in Glasgow
- Anal abscess in Glasgow
- Anal fissure in Glasgow
- Anal fistula in Glasgow
- Anal fistula surgery in Glasgow
- Angina in Glasgow
- Ankle arthrodesis in Glasgow
- Ankle replacement surgery in Glasgow
- Anterior cruciate ligament in Glasgow
- Aortic stenosis in Glasgow
- Apexification in Glasgow
- Aphonia (loss of voice) in Glasgow
- Apicoectomy in Glasgow
- Arm pain in Glasgow
- Arrhythmia in Glasgow
- Arthritis in Glasgow
- Arthroplasty in Glasgow
- Arthroscopic debridement in Glasgow
- Arthroscopic meniscectomy in Glasgow
- Arthroscopic subacromial decompression in Glasgow
- Assisted reproductive technology in Glasgow
- Atherosclerosis in Glasgow
- Atrial Fibrillation in Glasgow
- Atrial septal defect in Glasgow
- Audiometry in Glasgow
- Back pain in Glasgow
- Bacterial vaginosis in Glasgow
- BAHA implant (Bone Anchored Hearing Aid) in Glasgow
- Bariatric surgery in Glasgow
- Bicuspid aortic valve in Glasgow
- Biofeedback in Glasgow
- Bladder problems in Glasgow
- Blepharoplasty in Glasgow
- Blocked nose in Glasgow
- Blood in stool (rectal bleeding) in Glasgow
- Blood pressure test in Glasgow
- Bone cancer in Glasgow
- Bone metastases in Glasgow
- Bone reconstruction in Glasgow
- Bowel cancer in Glasgow
- Bowel cancer screening in Glasgow
- Bowel incontinence in Glasgow
- Brain aneurysm in Glasgow
- Brain haemorrhage in Glasgow
- Brain metastasis in Glasgow
- Brain MRI in Glasgow
- Brain tumour in Glasgow
- Breathing problems in Glasgow
- Broken collarbone in Glasgow
- Bruxism in Glasgow
- Bursitis in Glasgow
- Cancer Pain in Glasgow
- Cardiac arrest in Glasgow
- Cardiac medication in Glasgow
- Cardiac MRI in Glasgow
- Cardiac rehabilitation in Glasgow
- Cardiac screening in Glasgow
- Cardiomyopathy in Glasgow
- Cardiovascular disease in Glasgow
- Carpal tunnel surgery in Glasgow
- Carpal tunnel syndrome in Glasgow
- Cartilage repair in Glasgow
- Cavernoma in Glasgow
- CBCT in Glasgow
- Cervicitis in Glasgow
- Chest pain in Glasgow
- Chiari malformations in Glasgow
- Chin surgery (mentoplasty) in Glasgow
- Cholecystectomy in Glasgow
- Cholesteatoma in Glasgow
- Cholesterol in Glasgow
- Chordoma in Glasgow
- Chronic diarrhoea in Glasgow
- Chronic headache in Glasgow
- Circulatory disorders in Glasgow
- Cleft palate in Glasgow
- Colitis in Glasgow
- Colon cancer in Glasgow
- Colonoscopy in Glasgow
- Colorectal cancer in Glasgow
- Colorectal cancer surgery in Glasgow
- Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) in Glasgow
- Complex restorative dentistry in Glasgow
- Composite bonding in Glasgow
- Composite veneers in Glasgow
- Conscious sedation in Glasgow
- Constipation in Glasgow
- Coronary CT in Glasgow
- Coronary heart disease in Glasgow
- Coronavirus in Glasgow
- Cosmetic dentistry (aesthetic dentistry) in Glasgow
- Craniocervical junction abnormalities in Glasgow
- Crohn's disease in Glasgow
- CSF Leak in Glasgow
- CT scan (CAT) in Glasgow
- Cubital tunnel syndrome in Glasgow
- Cystitis in Glasgow
- Cysts in Glasgow
- De Quervain syndrome in Glasgow
- Deafness in Glasgow
- Degenerative disc disease in Glasgow
- Dental bone grafts in Glasgow
- Dental crown in Glasgow
- Dental implants in Glasgow
- Dental implants maintenance in Glasgow
- Dental monitoring in Glasgow
- Dental pain in Glasgow
- Dental phobia in Glasgow
- Dental therapist in Glasgow
- Dental trauma in Glasgow
- Dentures in Glasgow
- Dermal fillers in Glasgow
- Diarrhoea in Glasgow
- Digital dentistry in Glasgow
- Digital impressions in Glasgow
- Dilated cardiomyopathy in Glasgow
- Discectomy in Glasgow
- Disorders of nasal breathing in Glasgow
- Diverticular disease in Glasgow
- Diverticulitis in Glasgow
- Dizziness in Glasgow
- Duodenal switch in Glasgow
- Dupuytren’s contracture in Glasgow
- Dyspareunia in Glasgow
- Ear infection in Glasgow
- Ear neurosurgery in Glasgow
- Echocardiogram in Glasgow
- Egg freezing in Glasgow
- Elbow in Glasgow
- Elbow arthroscopy in Glasgow
- Elbow Pain in Glasgow
- Elbow replacement in Glasgow
- Electrocardiogram in Glasgow
- Endodontic retreatment in Glasgow
- Endodontic treatment in Glasgow
- Endometrial polyps in Glasgow
- Endometriosis in Glasgow
- Endoscopic sinus surgery in Glasgow
- Endoscopic skull base surgery in Glasgow
- Endoscopy in Glasgow
- Endovenous laser treatment (EVLA) in Glasgow
- Epicondylitis (tennis elbow) in Glasgow
- Epidural infiltration in Glasgow
- Epigastric hernia in Glasgow
- Epistaxis in Glasgow
- Eustachian tube dysfunction in Glasgow
- Extraction of teeth in Glasgow
- Extrasystole in Glasgow
- Facelift in Glasgow
- Facial aesthetics in Glasgow
- Facial implants in Glasgow
- Facial nerve in Glasgow
- Facial pain in Glasgow
- Facial paralysis in Glasgow
- Facial plastic surgery in Glasgow
- Facial reconstruction in Glasgow
- Family history of heart disease in Glasgow
- Femoral hernia in Glasgow
- Fertility test in Glasgow
- Fertility treatments in Glasgow
- Fibroids in Glasgow
- Fibromyalgia in Glasgow
- Fibroscopy in Glasgow
- Fistula in Glasgow
- Foot in Glasgow
- Fracture in Glasgow
- Fractured elbow in Glasgow
- Fractured humerus in Glasgow
- Fractured shoulder in Glasgow
- Frozen shoulder in Glasgow
- Gallbladder surgery in Glasgow
- Gallstones in Glasgow
- Ganglion cyst in Glasgow
- Gastric sleeve in Glasgow
- Gastrointestinal endoscopy in Glasgow
- Gastroscopy in Glasgow
- Genital warts in Glasgow
- Gingivitis in Glasgow
- Glioblastoma in Glasgow
- Glue ear in Glasgow
- Guided implant surgery in Glasgow
- Gum graft in Glasgow
- Gummy smile in Glasgow
- Gynaecological examination in Glasgow
- Gynaecological infections in Glasgow
- Haemorrhoid surgery in Glasgow
- Halitosis in Glasgow
- Hand in Glasgow
- Hand arthritis in Glasgow
- Hand fracture in Glasgow
- Hand injury in Glasgow
- Hand nerve repair surgery in Glasgow
- Hand surgery in Glasgow
- Hand tendonitis in Glasgow
- Head and neck cancer in Glasgow
- Hearing loss in Glasgow
- Heart attack in Glasgow
- Heart check up in Glasgow
- Heart failure in Glasgow
- Heart murmur in Glasgow
- Heavy periods in Glasgow
- Hernia in Glasgow
- Hiatal hernia in Glasgow
- High triglycerides in Glasgow
- Hip in Glasgow
- Hip arthroscopy in Glasgow
- Hip fracture in Glasgow
- Hip pain in Glasgow
- Hip prosthesis in Glasgow
- Hip replacement in Glasgow
- Hoarseness in Glasgow
- Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in Glasgow
- Hydrocephalus in Glasgow
- Hypercholesterolemia in Glasgow
- Hypertension (high blood pressure) in Glasgow
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in Glasgow
- Hysterectomy in Glasgow
- Hysteroscopy in Glasgow
- Immediate loading implants (Teeth in a day) in Glasgow
- Impacted tooth in Glasgow
- In vitro fertilisation (IVF) in Glasgow
- Incisional hernia in Glasgow
- Infertility in Glasgow
- Inflammatory arthritis in Glasgow
- Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Glasgow
- Inguinal hernia in Glasgow
- Injuries diagnosis in Glasgow
- Interstitial cystitis in Glasgow
- Intrauterine device (IUD) in Glasgow
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI) in Glasgow
- Invisalign in Glasgow
- Invisible braces in Glasgow
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in Glasgow
- Itchy bottom in Glasgow
- J-Pouch surgery in Glasgow
- Joint injections in Glasgow
- Joint pain in Glasgow
- Joint preservation surgery in Glasgow
- Joint replacement in Glasgow
- Knee in Glasgow
- Knee in Glasgow
- Knee arthritis in Glasgow
- Knee arthroscopy in Glasgow
- Knee cap replacement in Glasgow
- Knee cartilage replacement in Glasgow
- Knee fracture in Glasgow
- Knee osteoarthritis in Glasgow
- Knee pain in Glasgow
- Knee replacement in Glasgow
- Knee surgery in Glasgow
- Laminectomy in Glasgow
- Laparoscopic hernia surgery in Glasgow
- Laparoscopy in Glasgow
- Laparotomy in Glasgow
- Lateral collateral ligament in Glasgow
- Leg pain in Glasgow
- Lichen sclerosus in Glasgow
- Lipid disorders in Glasgow
- Lipoma in Glasgow
- Long Covid in Glasgow
- Low back pain in Glasgow
- Low blood pressure (hypotension) in Glasgow
- Lumbar discectomy in Glasgow
- Lumbar herniated disc in Glasgow
- Lumineers in Glasgow
- Macroglossia in Glasgow
- Malocclusion in Glasgow
- Mastoiditis in Glasgow
- Medial collateral ligament in Glasgow
- Median nerve in Glasgow
- Medicolegal in Glasgow
- Ménière's disease in Glasgow
- Meningioma in Glasgow
- Meniscus in Glasgow
- Menopause in Glasgow
- Menstrual disorders in Glasgow
- Mesh complications in Glasgow
- Metastasis in Glasgow
- Microsurgery in Glasgow
- Microvascular angina in Glasgow
- Middle ear surgery in Glasgow
- Migraine in Glasgow
- Minimal access surgery (keyhole surgery) in Glasgow
- Mitral regurgitation in Glasgow
- Mouth cancer in Glasgow
- MRI in Glasgow
- Muscle injuries in Glasgow
- Musculoskeletal pain in Glasgow
- Musculoskeletal ultrasound in Glasgow
- Myocarditis in Glasgow
- Myomectomy in Glasgow
- Nasal cancer in Glasgow
- Nasal endoscopy in Glasgow
- Nasal polyps in Glasgow
- Nasal septal perforation in Glasgow
- Nasal trauma in Glasgow
- Neck lift in Glasgow
- Neck lump in Glasgow
- Neck pain in Glasgow
- Nervous system in Glasgow
- Nervous system malformations in Glasgow
- Neural therapy in Glasgow
- Neuralgia in Glasgow
- Neuro-oncology in Glasgow
- Neuromodulation in Glasgow
- Neuropathic pain in Glasgow
- Night guard in Glasgow
- Nipple discharge in Glasgow
- Nystagmus in Glasgow
- Obesity in Glasgow
- One Stop Breast Clinic in Glasgow
- One stop clinics in Glasgow
- Oral medicine in Glasgow
- Oral surgery in Glasgow
- Orthognathic surgery in Glasgow
- Osteoarthritis in Glasgow
- Osteoarthritis of the elbow in Glasgow
- Osteoarthritis of the hip in Glasgow
- Osteoporosis in Glasgow
- Osteosynthesis in Glasgow
- Osteotomy in Glasgow
- Otitis in Glasgow
- Otology in Glasgow
- Otomycosis in Glasgow
- Otoneurology in Glasgow
- Otoplasty in Glasgow
- Otosclerosis in Glasgow
- Ovarian cyst in Glasgow
- Overactive bladder in Glasgow
- Paediatric dentistry in Glasgow
- Palliative care in Glasgow
- Palpitations in Glasgow
- Pancreatitis in Glasgow
- Parotid gland surgery in Glasgow
- Partial knee replacement in Glasgow
- Patellofemoral disorders in Glasgow
- Pelvic floor in Glasgow
- Pelvic floor reconstructive surgery in Glasgow
- Pelvic inflammatory disease in Glasgow
- Pelvic pain in Glasgow
- Perforation of the eardrum in Glasgow
- Peri-implantitis in Glasgow
- Pericarditis in Glasgow
- Perimenopause in Glasgow
- Period pain in Glasgow
- Periodontal cleaning in Glasgow
- Periodontal Surgery in Glasgow
- Periodontics in Glasgow
- Periodontitis in Glasgow
- Piles (haemorrhoids) in Glasgow
- Pilonidal sinus in Glasgow
- Pinnaplasty in Glasgow
- Pituitary tumours in Glasgow
- Platelet-rich plasma in Glasgow
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in Glasgow
- Polyps in Glasgow
- Polysomnography (sleep study) in Glasgow
- Posterior cruciate ligament in Glasgow
- Postmenopausal bleeding in Glasgow
- Postnasal drip in Glasgow
- Postoperative pain in Glasgow
- Posturography in Glasgow
- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in Glasgow
- Preventive cardiology in Glasgow
- Preventive mastectomy in Glasgow
- Radiofrequency treatment (RFA) in Glasgow
- Receding gums in Glasgow
- Rectal prolapse in Glasgow
- Rectal surgery in Glasgow
- Rectocele in Glasgow
- Removable dentures in Glasgow
- Rheumatoid arthritis in Glasgow
- Rhinitis in Glasgow
- Rhinology in Glasgow
- Rhinoplasty (nose job) in Glasgow
- Rhizotomy in Glasgow
- Robotic surgery in Glasgow
- Root canal treatment in Glasgow
- Rotator cuff injury in Glasgow
- Rotator cuff surgery in Glasgow
- Salivary gland surgery in Glasgow
- Sarcoma in Glasgow
- Scaphoid bone in Glasgow
- Scapholunate ligament in Glasgow
- Sciatica in Glasgow
- Second medical opinion in Glasgow
- Septoplasty in Glasgow
- Shortness of breath in Glasgow
- Shoulder in Glasgow
- Shoulder arthroscopy in Glasgow
- Shoulder dislocation in Glasgow
- Shoulder instability in Glasgow
- Shoulder prosthesis in Glasgow
- Shoulder replacement in Glasgow
- Shoulder surgery in Glasgow
- Shoulder tendonitis in Glasgow
- Sinusitis in Glasgow
- Sjogren's syndrome in Glasgow
- Skin cancer in Glasgow
- Skin cancer on face in Glasgow
- Skin lesions in Glasgow
- Skull base surgery in Glasgow
- Skull base tumours in Glasgow
- Skull fracture in Glasgow
- SLAP tear in Glasgow
- Sleep disorders in Glasgow
- Slipped disc in Glasgow
- Smell disorders in Glasgow
- Smile design in Glasgow
- Snoring in Glasgow
- Soft tissue sarcoma in Glasgow
- Spinal injections in Glasgow
- Spinal stenosis in Glasgow
- Spinal surgery in Glasgow
- Sports injuries in Glasgow
- Sports medicine in Glasgow
- Sports physical examination in Glasgow
- Sports surgery in Glasgow
- Sports traumatology in Glasgow
- Sprain in Glasgow
- Statins in Glasgow
- Sternoclavicular joint in Glasgow
- Stiff hands in Glasgow
- Stress incontinence in Glasgow
- Stress test in Glasgow
- Subdural haematoma in Glasgow
- Sudden death in Glasgow
- Supraspinatus tendon tear in Glasgow
- Supraventricular tachycardia in Glasgow
- Surface prosthesis in Glasgow
- Syncope in Glasgow
- Tachycardia in Glasgow
- Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (broken heart syndrome) in Glasgow
- Tarlov cyst in Glasgow
- Taste disorders in Glasgow
- Teeth cleaning in Glasgow
- Teeth whitening in Glasgow
- Temporal bone microsurgery in Glasgow
- Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) in Glasgow
- Tendinopathy in Glasgow
- Tendon injuries in Glasgow
- Tendonitis in Glasgow
- Thrush in Glasgow
- Thyroid surgery in Glasgow
- Tinnitus in Glasgow
- Tongue tie in Glasgow
- Tonsillectomy in Glasgow
- Tonsillitis in Glasgow
- Tooth abscess in Glasgow
- Tooth decay in Glasgow
- Tooth replacement in Glasgow
- Tooth restoration in Glasgow
- Tooth sensitivity in Glasgow
- Tooth wear in Glasgow
- Transsphenoidal surgery in Glasgow
- Transvaginal ultrasound in Glasgow
- Trapeziectomy in Glasgow
- Trapped nerve in Glasgow
- Traumatic brain injury in Glasgow
- Traumatic injury in Glasgow
- Trigeminal neuralgia in Glasgow
- Trigger finger in Glasgow
- Turbinate hypertrophy in Glasgow
- Tympanometry in Glasgow
- Ulcerative colitis in Glasgow
- Ulnar nerve entrapment in Glasgow
- Ulnar nerve surgery in Glasgow
- Ultrasound in Glasgow
- Umbilical hernia in Glasgow
- Urinary incontinence in Glasgow
- Urinary tract infection in Glasgow
- Urogynaecology in Glasgow
- Vaginal cysts in Glasgow
- Vaginal dryness in Glasgow
- Vaginal problems in Glasgow
- Vaginal prolapse in Glasgow
- Vaginal ring in Glasgow
- Vaginoplasty in Glasgow
- Valvular heart disease in Glasgow
- Veneers in Glasgow
- Vertigo in Glasgow
- Vestibular testing in Glasgow
- WALANT (wide awake hand surgery) in Glasgow
- Weight loss in Glasgow
- Whiplash in Glasgow
- Wisdom teeth in Glasgow
- Women's health check in Glasgow
- Wrist arthrodesis in Glasgow
- Wrist arthroscopy in Glasgow
- Wrist denervation in Glasgow
- Wrist fracture in Glasgow
- Wrist surgery in Glasgow
- Xiapex® in Glasgow
- Zygomatic implants in Glasgow