Health-online city Portsmouth
Medical staff and centres 2025
Treatments in Portsmouth city
- Abnormal smear test in Portsmouth
- Allergic conjunctivitis in Portsmouth
- Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in Portsmouth
- Ambulatory ECG monitoring in Portsmouth
- Amenorrhoea in Portsmouth
- Angina in Portsmouth
- Aortic stenosis in Portsmouth
- Aortopathy in Portsmouth
- Arrhythmia in Portsmouth
- Astigmatism in Portsmouth
- Atherosclerosis in Portsmouth
- Atrial Fibrillation in Portsmouth
- Atrial fibrillation ablation in Portsmouth
- Bacterial vaginosis in Portsmouth
- Basal cell carcinoma in Portsmouth
- Bicuspid aortic valve in Portsmouth
- Biological therapy in Portsmouth
- Blepharitis in Portsmouth
- Blepharoplasty in Portsmouth
- Blepharospasm in Portsmouth
- Blood pressure test in Portsmouth
- Bone metastases in Portsmouth
- Bone reconstruction in Portsmouth
- Botulinum toxin (Botox™) in Portsmouth
- Breakthrough bleeding in Portsmouth
- Breast cancer in Portsmouth
- Brow lift in Portsmouth
- Bruxism in Portsmouth
- Cancer in Portsmouth
- Cancer of unknown primary in Portsmouth
- Cancer Pain in Portsmouth
- Canthoplasty in Portsmouth
- Cardiac (catheter) ablation in Portsmouth
- Cardiac arrest in Portsmouth
- Cardiac medication in Portsmouth
- Cardiac rehabilitation in Portsmouth
- Cardiac resynchronisation therapy in Portsmouth
- Cardiac screening in Portsmouth
- Cardio-oncology in Portsmouth
- Cardiomyopathy in Portsmouth
- Cardiovascular disease in Portsmouth
- Cataract surgery in Portsmouth
- Cataracts in Portsmouth
- CBCT in Portsmouth
- Cervical cancer in Portsmouth
- Cervicitis in Portsmouth
- Chalazion in Portsmouth
- Chemotherapy in Portsmouth
- Chemotherapy side effects in Portsmouth
- Chest pain in Portsmouth
- Childbirth in Portsmouth
- Chin surgery (mentoplasty) in Portsmouth
- Chlamydia in Portsmouth
- Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) in Portsmouth
- Cholesterol in Portsmouth
- Chorionic villus sampling in Portsmouth
- Colposcopy in Portsmouth
- Cone biopsy in Portsmouth
- Conjunctivitis in Portsmouth
- Connective tissue disease in Portsmouth
- Contact lens related problems in Portsmouth
- Contraceptive methods in Portsmouth
- Cornea in Portsmouth
- Cornea guttata in Portsmouth
- Corneal abrasion in Portsmouth
- Corneal cross-linking in Portsmouth
- Corneal diseases in Portsmouth
- Corneal dystrophy in Portsmouth
- Corneal transplant in Portsmouth
- Coronary heart disease in Portsmouth
- Coronavirus in Portsmouth
- Cryoablation in Portsmouth
- CT scan (CAT) in Portsmouth
- Cystitis in Portsmouth
- Cytology in Portsmouth
- Dacryocystorhinostomy in Portsmouth
- Dark circles in Portsmouth
- Defibrillator in Portsmouth
- Dental bone grafts in Portsmouth
- Dental implants in Portsmouth
- Dermal fillers in Portsmouth
- Digital dentistry in Portsmouth
- Dilated cardiomyopathy in Portsmouth
- Dizziness in Portsmouth
- Dry eye in Portsmouth
- Dyspareunia in Portsmouth
- Early menopause in Portsmouth
- Early pregnancy in Portsmouth
- Echocardiogram in Portsmouth
- Ectopic pregnancy in Portsmouth
- Electrocardiogram in Portsmouth
- Emergency eye care in Portsmouth
- Endometrial cancer in Portsmouth
- Endometrial polyps in Portsmouth
- Endometriosis in Portsmouth
- Endometriosis surgery in Portsmouth
- Endoscopic surgery in Portsmouth
- Exophthalmos (bulging eyes) in Portsmouth
- Extraction of teeth in Portsmouth
- Extrasystole in Portsmouth
- Eye allergies in Portsmouth
- Eye cancer in Portsmouth
- Eye examination in Portsmouth
- Eye flashes in Portsmouth
- Eye floaters in Portsmouth
- Eyelid cancer in Portsmouth
- Eyelid lump in Portsmouth
- Eyelid malpositions in Portsmouth
- Facelift in Portsmouth
- Facial aesthetics in Portsmouth
- Facial implants in Portsmouth
- Facial pain in Portsmouth
- Facial paralysis in Portsmouth
- Facial plastic surgery in Portsmouth
- Facial reconstruction in Portsmouth
- Family history of heart disease in Portsmouth
- Family planning in Portsmouth
- Fatty liver in Portsmouth
- Fertility-sparing surgery in Portsmouth
- Fibroids in Portsmouth
- Fuchs' dystrophy in Portsmouth
- Genital warts in Portsmouth
- Glaucoma in Portsmouth
- Glaucoma drainage devices in Portsmouth
- Glaucoma surgery in Portsmouth
- Gynaecological cancer in Portsmouth
- Gynaecological examination in Portsmouth
- Gynaecological infections in Portsmouth
- Haemoglobinopathy in Portsmouth
- Head and neck cancer in Portsmouth
- Heart attack in Portsmouth
- Heart check up in Portsmouth
- Heart failure in Portsmouth
- Heart murmur in Portsmouth
- Heavy periods in Portsmouth
- High-risk pregnancy in Portsmouth
- Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in Portsmouth
- Hormone therapy in Portsmouth
- Human papillomavirus (HPV) in Portsmouth
- Human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) in Portsmouth
- Hypercholesterolemia in Portsmouth
- Hypertension (high blood pressure) in Portsmouth
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in Portsmouth
- Hysterectomy in Portsmouth
- Hysteroscopy in Portsmouth
- ICL implants in Portsmouth
- Image guided radiotherapy (IGRT) in Portsmouth
- Immediate loading implants (Teeth in a day) in Portsmouth
- Immunotherapy in Portsmouth
- Impacted tooth in Portsmouth
- Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) in Portsmouth
- Inherited cardiac conditions in Portsmouth
- Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) in Portsmouth
- Interventional cardiology in Portsmouth
- Intrauterine device (IUD) in Portsmouth
- Keratoconus in Portsmouth
- Laparoscopic hysterectomy in Portsmouth
- Laparoscopy in Portsmouth
- Laparotomy in Portsmouth
- Laser eye surgery in Portsmouth
- Laser vaginal rejuvenation in Portsmouth
- LASIK in Portsmouth
- Lens replacement (intraocular lenses) in Portsmouth
- Liver cancer in Portsmouth
- Long Covid in Portsmouth
- Low blood pressure (hypotension) in Portsmouth
- Male breast cancer in Portsmouth
- Malocclusion in Portsmouth
- Mastitis in Portsmouth
- Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) in Portsmouth
- Men's health check in Portsmouth
- Menopause in Portsmouth
- Menstrual disorders in Portsmouth
- Metastasis in Portsmouth
- Microneedling in Portsmouth
- Microvascular angina in Portsmouth
- Mid face lift in Portsmouth
- Minimal access surgery (keyhole surgery) in Portsmouth
- Miscarriage in Portsmouth
- Mitral regurgitation in Portsmouth
- Mitral valve repair in Portsmouth
- Mouth cancer in Portsmouth
- MRI in Portsmouth
- Myocarditis in Portsmouth
- Myomectomy in Portsmouth
- Myopia in Portsmouth
- Nasal cancer in Portsmouth
- Neck lift in Portsmouth
- Neck lump in Portsmouth
- Neuralgia in Portsmouth
- Night guard in Portsmouth
- Nutrition in pregnancy in Portsmouth
- OCT (optical coherence tomography) in Portsmouth
- Oculo-facial plastic and cosmetic surgery in Portsmouth
- Oculoplastics in Portsmouth
- Oesophageal cancer in Portsmouth
- One stop clinics in Portsmouth
- OPG X-ray (Orthopantomography) in Portsmouth
- Oral medicine in Portsmouth
- Oral surgery in Portsmouth
- Orbital cellulitis in Portsmouth
- Ovarian cancer in Portsmouth
- Ovarian cancer debulking in Portsmouth
- Ovarian cyst in Portsmouth
- Pacemaker in Portsmouth
- Paediatric ophthalmology in Portsmouth
- Palpitations in Portsmouth
- Pancreatic cancer in Portsmouth
- Parotid gland in Portsmouth
- Parotid gland surgery in Portsmouth
- Pelvic congestion syndrome in Portsmouth
- Pelvic exenteration surgery in Portsmouth
- Pelvic floor in Portsmouth
- Pelvic floor reconstructive surgery in Portsmouth
- Pelvic floor rehabilitation in Portsmouth
- Pelvic inflammatory disease in Portsmouth
- Pelvic pain in Portsmouth
- Pelvic pain syndrome in Portsmouth
- Pelvic radiation disease in Portsmouth
- Pericarditis in Portsmouth
- Perineal wounds in Portsmouth
- Period pain in Portsmouth
- Peritoneal carcinomatosis in Portsmouth
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in Portsmouth
- Polyps in Portsmouth
- Postmenopausal bleeding in Portsmouth
- PoTS syndrome in Portsmouth
- Preconception care in Portsmouth
- Pregnancy in Portsmouth
- Premature menopause in Portsmouth
- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in Portsmouth
- Prenatal testing in Portsmouth
- Preparation for childbirth in Portsmouth
- Presbyopia in Portsmouth
- Preventive cardiology in Portsmouth
- Pterygium and pinguecula in Portsmouth
- Ptosis (droopy eye) in Portsmouth
- Radiotherapy in Portsmouth
- Rectocele in Portsmouth
- Recurrent miscarriage in Portsmouth
- Refractive lens exchange in Portsmouth
- Refractive surgery in Portsmouth
- Retinal tear in Portsmouth
- Salivary gland surgery in Portsmouth
- Selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) in Portsmouth
- Sexual health in Portsmouth
- Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Portsmouth
- Shortness of breath in Portsmouth
- Sialendoscopy in Portsmouth
- Sjogren's syndrome in Portsmouth
- Skin cancer in Portsmouth
- Skin cancer on face in Portsmouth
- Sonohysterography in Portsmouth
- Spinal cancer in Portsmouth
- Stereotactic radiotherapy in Portsmouth
- Stomach cancer in Portsmouth
- Stress incontinence in Portsmouth
- Stroke in Portsmouth
- Stye in Portsmouth
- Sudden death in Portsmouth
- Supraventricular tachycardia in Portsmouth
- Surgical oncology in Portsmouth
- Syncope in Portsmouth
- Tachycardia in Portsmouth
- Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (broken heart syndrome) in Portsmouth
- Targeted therapy in Portsmouth
- Tear trough filler in Portsmouth
- Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) in Portsmouth
- Thrush in Portsmouth
- Thyroid eye disease in Portsmouth
- Tilt table in Portsmouth
- Tongue tie in Portsmouth
- Tooth restoration in Portsmouth
- Transvaginal ultrasound in Portsmouth
- Trichomoniasis in Portsmouth
- Ultrasound in Portsmouth
- Urinary incontinence in Portsmouth
- Urinary tract infection in Portsmouth
- Uterine cancer in Portsmouth
- Uterine malformations in Portsmouth
- Vaginal cysts in Portsmouth
- Vaginal dryness in Portsmouth
- Vaginal problems in Portsmouth
- Vaginal prolapse in Portsmouth
- Vaginal ring in Portsmouth
- Vaginismus in Portsmouth
- Vaginitis in Portsmouth
- Valvular heart disease in Portsmouth
- Vascular malformations in Portsmouth
- Venous insufficiency in Portsmouth
- Ventricular tachycardia in Portsmouth
- Visual impairment in Portsmouth
- Vitreomacular traction in Portsmouth
- Vulvar cancer in Portsmouth
- Vulvar precancer in Portsmouth
- Watery eyes in Portsmouth
- Wisdom teeth in Portsmouth
- Women's health in Portsmouth
- Women's health check in Portsmouth
- Zygomatic implants in Portsmouth