The Exeter Friendly city Southampton
Medical staff and centres 2025
The Exeter Friendly
Treatments in Southampton city
- Abdominal pain in Southampton
- Abdominal wall reconstruction in Southampton
- Accelerated orthodontics in Southampton
- Achalasia in Southampton
- Achilles tendon in Southampton
- Acid reflux in Southampton
- ACL reconstruction in Southampton
- Adult circumcision in Southampton
- Aesthetic orthodontics in Southampton
- Allergic conjunctivitis in Southampton
- Amblyopia in Southampton
- Angiography in Southampton
- Angle closure glaucoma in Southampton
- Aniridia in Southampton
- Ankle in Southampton
- Ankle arthrodesis in Southampton
- Ankle arthroscopy in Southampton
- Ankle replacement surgery in Southampton
- Ankle tendonitis in Southampton
- Anterior cruciate ligament in Southampton
- Appendicitis in Southampton
- Arm pain in Southampton
- Arthritis in Southampton
- Arthroplasty in Southampton
- Arthroscopic debridement in Southampton
- Arthroscopic meniscectomy in Southampton
- Astigmatism in Southampton
- Back injuries in Southampton
- Back pain in Southampton
- Bacterial vaginosis in Southampton
- Balanitis in Southampton
- Bariatric surgery in Southampton
- Bariatric surgery problems in Southampton
- Barrett's oesophagus in Southampton
- Benign prostate enlargement in Southampton
- Biological therapy in Southampton
- Bladder cancer in Southampton
- Bladder problems in Southampton
- Blepharitis in Southampton
- Bone cancer in Southampton
- Bone metastases in Southampton
- Botulinum toxin (Botox™) in Southampton
- Bow-leggedness in Southampton
- Bowel cancer in Southampton
- Bowel surgery in Southampton
- Braces in Southampton
- Breakthrough bleeding in Southampton
- Bruxism in Southampton
- Bunion (hallux valgus) in Southampton
- Bursitis in Southampton
- Cancer in Southampton
- Cartilage repair in Southampton
- Cataract surgery in Southampton
- Cataracts in Southampton
- Cataracts in children in Southampton
- Caudal epidural in Southampton
- Cavus foot in Southampton
- Cerebral visual impairment (CVI) in Southampton
- Cervical cancer in Southampton
- Cervical spine pain in Southampton
- Cervicitis in Southampton
- Chalazion in Southampton
- Chemotherapy in Southampton
- Children's glasses in Southampton
- Chlamydia in Southampton
- Cholecystectomy in Southampton
- Cholelithiasis (gallstones) in Southampton
- Chondromalacia (runner's knee) in Southampton
- Chorionic villus sampling in Southampton
- Chronic headache in Southampton
- Circumcision in Southampton
- Claw toe in Southampton
- Coloboma in Southampton
- Colon cancer in Southampton
- Colonoscopy in Southampton
- Colorectal cancer in Southampton
- Colorectal cancer surgery in Southampton
- Colour blindness in Southampton
- Colposcopy in Southampton
- Complex restorative dentistry in Southampton
- Composite veneers in Southampton
- Cone biopsy in Southampton
- Congenital glaucoma in Southampton
- Conjunctivitis in Southampton
- Conscious sedation in Southampton
- Contact lens related problems in Southampton
- Contraceptive methods in Southampton
- Cornea in Southampton
- Cornea guttata in Southampton
- Corneal abrasion in Southampton
- Corneal cross-linking in Southampton
- Corneal diseases in Southampton
- Corneal transplant in Southampton
- Corneal ulcer in Southampton
- Cosmetic dentistry (aesthetic dentistry) in Southampton
- Crohn's disease in Southampton
- Cryotherapy for prostate and kidney cancer in Southampton
- Cystitis in Southampton
- Cystocele in Southampton
- Cystoscopy in Southampton
- Cysts in Southampton
- Cytology in Southampton
- Dark circles in Southampton
- Degenerative disc disease in Southampton
- Dental bone grafts in Southampton
- Dental crown in Southampton
- Dental implants in Southampton
- Dental implants maintenance in Southampton
- Dental monitoring in Southampton
- Dental pain in Southampton
- Dental phobia in Southampton
- Dental trauma in Southampton
- Dentures in Southampton
- Dermal fillers in Southampton
- Diabetes surgery in Southampton
- Diabetic retinopathy in Southampton
- Digital dentistry in Southampton
- Digital impressions in Southampton
- Diplopia (double vision) in Southampton
- Discectomy in Southampton
- Diverticular disease in Southampton
- Diverticulitis in Southampton
- Dry eye in Southampton
- Dyspareunia in Southampton
- Dysphagia in Southampton
- Early menopause in Southampton
- Ectopic pregnancy in Southampton
- Emergency eye care in Southampton
- Endodontic retreatment in Southampton
- Endodontic treatment in Southampton
- Endometrial cancer in Southampton
- Endometrial polyps in Southampton
- Endometriosis in Southampton
- Endometriosis surgery in Southampton
- Endoscopic surgery in Southampton
- Endoscopy in Southampton
- Endourology in Southampton
- Epigastric hernia in Southampton
- Epiretinal membrane in Southampton
- Erectile dysfunction in Southampton
- Exophthalmos (bulging eyes) in Southampton
- Eye allergies in Southampton
- Eye cancer in Southampton
- Eye examination in Southampton
- Eye flashes in Southampton
- Eye floaters in Southampton
- Eyelid lump in Southampton
- Facial paralysis in Southampton
- Failed back surgery syndrome in Southampton
- Family planning in Southampton
- Femoral hernia in Southampton
- Femur fracture in Southampton
- Fertility-sparing surgery in Southampton
- Fibroids in Southampton
- Flat feet in Southampton
- Fluoride varnish in Southampton
- Foot in Southampton
- Foot and ankle in Southampton
- Foot arthrodesis in Southampton
- Foot fracture in Southampton
- Foreskin problems in Southampton
- Fracture in Southampton
- Fractured ankle in Southampton
- Frenuloplasty in Southampton
- Fuchs' dystrophy in Southampton
- Gallbladder surgery in Southampton
- Gallstones in Southampton
- Ganglion cyst in Southampton
- Gastric balloon in Southampton
- Gastric band in Southampton
- Gastric band removal in Southampton
- Gastric bypass in Southampton
- Gastric sleeve in Southampton
- Gastrointestinal endoscopy in Southampton
- Gastroscopy in Southampton
- Genetic disorders in Southampton
- Genital warts in Southampton
- Gingivitis in Southampton
- Glaucoma in Southampton
- Glaucoma drainage devices in Southampton
- Glaucoma surgery in Southampton
- Graves' disease in Southampton
- Guided implant surgery in Southampton
- Gum graft in Southampton
- Gummy smile in Southampton
- Gynaecological cancer in Southampton
- Gynaecological examination in Southampton
- Gynaecological infections in Southampton
- Haematuria (blood in the urine) in Southampton
- Haemorrhoid surgery in Southampton
- Halitosis in Southampton
- Hammer toe in Southampton
- Hand in Southampton
- Head and neck cancer in Southampton
- Heavy periods in Southampton
- Heel spur in Southampton
- Hernia in Southampton
- Herniated disc percutaneous surgery in Southampton
- Hiatal hernia in Southampton
- Hiatal hernia surgery in Southampton
- HIFU (high-intensity focused ultrasound) in Southampton
- Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in Southampton
- Human papillomavirus (HPV) in Southampton
- Hydrocele in Southampton
- Hyperhidrosis in Southampton
- Hyperopia (farsightedness) in Southampton
- Hysterectomy in Southampton
- Hysteroscopy in Southampton
- ICL implants in Southampton
- Image guided radiotherapy (IGRT) in Southampton
- Immediate loading implants (Teeth in a day) in Southampton
- Immunotherapy in Southampton
- Impacted tooth in Southampton
- Incisional hernia in Southampton
- Inflammatory arthritis in Southampton
- Inguinal hernia in Southampton
- Inherited Retinal Diseases in Southampton
- Injuries diagnosis in Southampton
- Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) in Southampton
- Intraoperative radiation therapy in Southampton
- Intrauterine device (IUD) in Southampton
- Intravitreal injection in Southampton
- Invisalign in Southampton
- Invisible braces in Southampton
- IStent in Southampton
- Joint injections in Southampton
- Joint pain in Southampton
- Joint preservation surgery in Southampton
- Joint replacement in Southampton
- Keratoconus in Southampton
- Kidney infection in Southampton
- Knee in Southampton
- Knee in Southampton
- Knee arthritis in Southampton
- Knee arthroscopy in Southampton
- Knee cap replacement in Southampton
- Knee cartilage replacement in Southampton
- Knee fracture in Southampton
- Knee osteoarthritis in Southampton
- Knee replacement in Southampton
- Knee surgery in Southampton
- Knock knees in Southampton
- Kyphoplasty in Southampton
- Laminectomy in Southampton
- Laparoscopic hernia surgery in Southampton
- Laparoscopic hysterectomy in Southampton
- Laparoscopy in Southampton
- Laparotomy in Southampton
- Laser dentistry in Southampton
- Laser eye surgery in Southampton
- Laser photocoagulation in Southampton
- Laser vaginal rejuvenation in Southampton
- LASIK in Southampton
- Lateral collateral ligament in Southampton
- Leg pain in Southampton
- Lens replacement (intraocular lenses) in Southampton
- Lichen sclerosus in Southampton
- Ligamentoplasty in Southampton
- Limb lengthening in Southampton
- Lingual braces in Southampton
- Lipoma in Southampton
- Low back pain in Southampton
- Low vision in Southampton
- Lumbar discectomy in Southampton
- Lumbar fusion in Southampton
- Lumbar herniated disc in Southampton
- Lumbar nerve root block in Southampton
- Lumineers in Southampton
- Macular degeneration (AMD) in Southampton
- Macular hole in Southampton
- Macular oedema in Southampton
- Male genital surgery in Southampton
- Malocclusion in Southampton
- Malunion fracture in Southampton
- Medial branch block in Southampton
- Medial collateral ligament in Southampton
- Men's health check in Southampton
- Meniscus in Southampton
- Menopause in Southampton
- Menstrual disorders in Southampton
- Metastasis in Southampton
- Metatarsal bones in Southampton
- Metatarsalgia in Southampton
- Microsurgery in Southampton
- Minimal access surgery (keyhole surgery) in Southampton
- Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) in Southampton
- Minimally invasive spinal surgery in Southampton
- Morbid obesity in Southampton
- Morton's neuroma in Southampton
- Mouth cancer in Southampton
- MRI in Southampton
- Muscle injuries in Southampton
- Myomectomy in Southampton
- Myopia in Southampton
- Neck lump in Southampton
- Neck pain in Southampton
- Neuro-ophthalmology in Southampton
- Night guard in Southampton
- Non-union fracture in Southampton
- Nystagmus in Southampton
- Obesity in Southampton
- Obesity surgery in Southampton
- OCT (optical coherence tomography) in Southampton
- Ocular hypertension in Southampton
- Ocular melanoma in Southampton
- Oesophageal cancer in Southampton
- One stop clinics in Southampton
- Open angle glaucoma in Southampton
- OPG X-ray (Orthopantomography) in Southampton
- Optic neuritis in Southampton
- Orbital cellulitis in Southampton
- Orthodontics in Southampton
- Orthognathic surgery in Southampton
- Orthotic insoles in Southampton
- Osteoarthritis in Southampton
- Osteoarthritis of the ankle in Southampton
- Osteomyelitis in Southampton
- Osteoporosis of the spine in Southampton
- Osteosynthesis in Southampton
- Osteotomy in Southampton
- Ovarian cancer in Southampton
- Ovarian cancer debulking in Southampton
- Ovarian cyst in Southampton
- Overactive bladder in Southampton
- Paediatric ENT in Southampton
- Paediatric ophthalmology in Southampton
- Painful foot in Southampton
- Partial knee replacement in Southampton
- Patellar luxation in Southampton
- Patellar tendonitis (jumper's knee) in Southampton
- Patellofemoral disorders in Southampton
- Pelvic congestion syndrome in Southampton
- Pelvic floor in Southampton
- Pelvic floor reconstructive surgery in Southampton
- Pelvic floor rehabilitation in Southampton
- Pelvic inflammatory disease in Southampton
- Pelvic pain in Southampton
- Pelvic pain syndrome in Southampton
- Pelvic radiation disease in Southampton
- Penile fibrosis in Southampton
- Penis disorders in Southampton
- Penis enlargement in Southampton
- Percutaneous foot surgery in Southampton
- Peri-implantitis in Southampton
- Perineal wounds in Southampton
- Period pain in Southampton
- Periodontal cleaning in Southampton
- Periodontal Surgery in Southampton
- Periodontics in Southampton
- Periodontitis in Southampton
- Peritoneal carcinomatosis in Southampton
- Phimosis in Southampton
- Photodynamic therapy in Southampton
- Piles (haemorrhoids) in Southampton
- Pilonidal sinus in Southampton
- Plantar fasciitis in Southampton
- Platelet-rich plasma in Southampton
- Podiatry in Southampton
- Polyps in Southampton
- Posterior cruciate ligament in Southampton
- Postmenopausal bleeding in Southampton
- Premature menopause in Southampton
- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in Southampton
- Presbyopia in Southampton
- Prolotherapy in Southampton
- Prostate in Southampton
- Prostate biopsy in Southampton
- Prostate cancer in Southampton
- Prostatectomy (prostate removal) in Southampton
- Prostatitis in Southampton
- Proton beam therapy in Southampton
- PSA test in Southampton
- Ptosis (droopy eye) in Southampton
- Radiofrequency denervation in Southampton
- Radiotherapy in Southampton
- Receding gums in Southampton
- Rectal cancer in Southampton
- Rectal prolapse in Southampton
- Rectal surgery in Southampton
- Rectocele in Southampton
- Recurrent miscarriage in Southampton
- Refractive lens exchange in Southampton
- Refractive surgery in Southampton
- Removable dentures in Southampton
- Retina in Southampton
- Retinal detachment in Southampton
- Retinal detachment surgery in Southampton
- Retinal tear in Southampton
- Retinal vein occlusion in Southampton
- Retinitis pigmentosa in Southampton
- Retinopathy in Southampton
- Revision knee replacement in Southampton
- Rheumatoid arthritis in Southampton
- Robotic spine surgery in Southampton
- Robotic surgery in Southampton
- Robotic surgery in urology in Southampton
- Sciatica in Southampton
- Scleritis in Southampton
- Scoliosis in Southampton
- Scrotal swelling in Southampton
- Secondary glaucoma in Southampton
- Selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) in Southampton
- Sensory stimulation therapy in Southampton
- Sexual health in Southampton
- Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Southampton
- Shockwave therapy in Southampton
- Short frenulum in Southampton
- Skin cancer in Southampton
- Skin lesions in Southampton
- Slipped disc in Southampton
- Smile design in Southampton
- Sonohysterography in Southampton
- Spinal cancer in Southampton
- Spinal column in Southampton
- Spinal cord compression in Southampton
- Spinal Cord Injury in Southampton
- Spinal disc replacement in Southampton
- Spinal fusion in Southampton
- Spinal injections in Southampton
- Spinal osteoarthritis in Southampton
- Spinal stenosis in Southampton
- Spinal surgery in Southampton
- Spine fracture in Southampton
- Spleen removal in Southampton
- Spondylolisthesis in Southampton
- Sports injuries in Southampton
- Sports medicine in Southampton
- Sports physical examination in Southampton
- Sports surgery in Southampton
- Sports traumatology in Southampton
- Sprain in Southampton
- Sprained ankle in Southampton
- Stem cells in Southampton
- Stereotactic radiotherapy in Southampton
- Stomach reduction in Southampton
- Stomach surgery in Southampton
- Stomach ulcer in Southampton
- Strabismus (squint) in Southampton
- Stye in Southampton
- Surgical endodontics in Southampton
- Surgical oncology in Southampton
- Targeted therapy in Southampton
- Teeth cleaning in Southampton
- Teeth whitening in Southampton
- Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) in Southampton
- Tendinopathy in Southampton
- Tendon injuries in Southampton
- Tendonitis in Southampton
- Testicular cancer in Southampton
- Thyroid cancer in Southampton
- Thyroid eye disease in Southampton
- Thyroid surgery in Southampton
- Toe pain in Southampton
- Tooth abscess in Southampton
- Tooth decay in Southampton
- Tooth decay in children in Southampton
- Tooth replacement in Southampton
- Tooth restoration in Southampton
- Tooth sensitivity in Southampton
- Tooth wear in Southampton
- Trabeculectomy in Southampton
- Transvaginal ultrasound in Southampton
- Traumatic injury in Southampton
- Trichomoniasis in Southampton
- Ultrasound in Southampton
- Umbilical hernia in Southampton
- Upper GI surgery in Southampton
- Urethra surgery in Southampton
- Urethral stricture in Southampton
- Urethritis in Southampton
- Urinary incontinence in Southampton
- Urinary tract infection in Southampton
- Urodynamic testing in Southampton
- Urogenital injuries in Southampton
- Uterine cancer in Southampton
- Uterine malformations in Southampton
- Uveitis in Southampton
- Vaginal cysts in Southampton
- Vaginal dryness in Southampton
- Vaginal problems in Southampton
- Vaginal prolapse in Southampton
- Vaginal ring in Southampton
- Vaginismus in Southampton
- Vaginitis in Southampton
- Veneers in Southampton
- Vertebroplasty in Southampton
- Visual impairment in Southampton
- Vitrectomy in Southampton
- Vitreomacular traction in Southampton
- Voice disorders in Southampton
- Vulvar cancer in Southampton
- Vulvar precancer in Southampton
- WALANT (wide awake hand surgery) in Southampton
- Watery eyes in Southampton
- Weight control in Southampton
- Weight loss in Southampton
- Wisdom teeth in Southampton
- Women's health in Southampton
- Women's health check in Southampton
- YAG laser capsulotomy in Southampton
- YAG laser iridotomy in Southampton
- Zygomatic implants in Southampton