WPA city Leeds
Medical staff and centres 2024
Treatments in Leeds city
- Abdominal pain in Leeds
- Abnormal gait in Leeds
- Abnormal smear test in Leeds
- AC joint surgery in Leeds
- Acellular dermal matrix (ADM) in Leeds
- Achondroplasia in Leeds
- Acid reflux in Leeds
- Acquired brain injury in Leeds
- Adult circumcision in Leeds
- Aesthetic gynaecology in Leeds
- Alcoholic liver disease in Leeds
- Allergic conjunctivitis in Leeds
- Alzheimer's disease in Leeds
- Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in Leeds
- Ambulatory ECG monitoring in Leeds
- Amenorrhoea in Leeds
- Amnesia in Leeds
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in Leeds
- Anal abscess in Leeds
- Anal fissure in Leeds
- Anal fistula in Leeds
- Anal fistula surgery in Leeds
- Anal laser surgery in Leeds
- Angina in Leeds
- Ankle arthrodesis in Leeds
- Ankle replacement surgery in Leeds
- Ankylosing spondylitis in Leeds
- Anterior cruciate ligament in Leeds
- Aortic stenosis in Leeds
- Aortic valve replacement in Leeds
- Aortopathy in Leeds
- Arm pain in Leeds
- Arrhythmia in Leeds
- Arthritis in Leeds
- Arthroscopic subacromial decompression in Leeds
- Ascites in Leeds
- Ataxia in Leeds
- Atherosclerosis in Leeds
- Atrial Fibrillation in Leeds
- Autism in Leeds
- Autoimmune diseases in Leeds
- Autoimmune hepatitis in Leeds
- Back injuries in Leeds
- Back pain in Leeds
- Balanitis in Leeds
- Bariatric surgery in Leeds
- Benign breast lumps in Leeds
- Benign prostate enlargement in Leeds
- Bicuspid aortic valve in Leeds
- Biological therapy in Leeds
- Bladder cancer in Leeds
- Bladder problems in Leeds
- Blepharitis in Leeds
- Blepharoplasty in Leeds
- Blood in stool (rectal bleeding) in Leeds
- Blood pressure test in Leeds
- Body dysmorphic disorder in Leeds
- Bone cancer in Leeds
- Bone metastases in Leeds
- Bowel cancer in Leeds
- Bowel cancer screening in Leeds
- Bowel incontinence in Leeds
- Brain MRI in Leeds
- BRCA gene in Leeds
- Breast cancer in Leeds
- Broken collarbone in Leeds
- Bursitis in Leeds
- Cancer in Leeds
- Cardiac (catheter) ablation in Leeds
- Cardiac MRI in Leeds
- Cardiac rehabilitation in Leeds
- Cardiac screening in Leeds
- Cardio-oncology in Leeds
- Cardiomyopathy in Leeds
- Carpal tunnel syndrome in Leeds
- Cataract surgery in Leeds
- Cataracts in Leeds
- Catheter in Leeds
- Caudal epidural in Leeds
- Cervical cancer in Leeds
- Chalazion in Leeds
- Chemotherapy in Leeds
- Chemotherapy side effects in Leeds
- Chest pain in Leeds
- Chest X-ray in Leeds
- Chin surgery (mentoplasty) in Leeds
- Cholecystectomy in Leeds
- Cholesterol in Leeds
- Chordee in Leeds
- Chronic diarrhoea in Leeds
- Chronic headache in Leeds
- Circulatory disorders in Leeds
- Circumcision in Leeds
- Cirrhosis in Leeds
- Clinical psychology in Leeds
- Clinical trials in Leeds
- Cluster headaches in Leeds
- Coaching (personal development) in Leeds
- Cognitive behavioural therapies in Leeds
- Cognitive impairment in Leeds
- Cognitive stimulation therapy in Leeds
- Colitis in Leeds
- Colon cancer in Leeds
- Colonoscopy in Leeds
- Colorectal cancer in Leeds
- Colorectal cancer surgery in Leeds
- Colour blindness in Leeds
- Conjunctivitis in Leeds
- Connective tissue disease in Leeds
- Constipation in Leeds
- Contraceptive methods in Leeds
- Corneal abrasion in Leeds
- Coronary angiography in Leeds
- Coronary angioplasty in Leeds
- Coronary CT in Leeds
- Coronary heart disease in Leeds
- Coronavirus in Leeds
- Crohn's disease in Leeds
- CT scan (CAT) in Leeds
- Cubital tunnel syndrome in Leeds
- Cystitis in Leeds
- Cystocele in Leeds
- Cystoscopy in Leeds
- Cysts in Leeds
- Defibrillator in Leeds
- Deflux® injection in Leeds
- Degenerative disc disease in Leeds
- Dementia in Leeds
- Dermatomyositis in Leeds
- DEXA scan in Leeds
- Diabetic neuropathy (diabetes pain) in Leeds
- Diabetic retinopathy in Leeds
- Diarrhoea in Leeds
- Dilated cardiomyopathy in Leeds
- Discectomy in Leeds
- Disorders of sex development in Leeds
- Diurnal enuresis (daytime wetting) in Leeds
- Diverticular disease in Leeds
- Diverticulitis in Leeds
- Dizziness in Leeds
- Doppler Ultrasound in Leeds
- Dry eye in Leeds
- Duodenal switch in Leeds
- Duplex kidney in Leeds
- Dupuytren’s contracture in Leeds
- Dystonia in Leeds
- Echocardiogram in Leeds
- Ectopic testes in Leeds
- Elbow in Leeds
- Elbow arthroscopy in Leeds
- Elbow Pain in Leeds
- Electrocardiogram in Leeds
- Electromyography in Leeds
- Electroretinography in Leeds
- Emergency eye care in Leeds
- Endometrial polyps in Leeds
- Endoscopic facelift in Leeds
- Endoscopic surgery in Leeds
- Endoscopy in Leeds
- Endourology in Leeds
- Endovenous laser treatment (EVLA) in Leeds
- Epicondylitis (tennis elbow) in Leeds
- Epigastric hernia in Leeds
- Epilepsy in Leeds
- Epiretinal membrane in Leeds
- Erectile dysfunction in Leeds
- Evoked potentials in Leeds
- Extrasystole in Leeds
- Eye allergies in Leeds
- Eye examination in Leeds
- Eye flashes in Leeds
- Eye floaters in Leeds
- Eyelid lump in Leeds
- Facelift in Leeds
- Facial aesthetics in Leeds
- Facial fat transfer in Leeds
- Facial implants in Leeds
- Facial pain in Leeds
- Facial plastic surgery in Leeds
- Failed back surgery syndrome in Leeds
- Family history of heart disease in Leeds
- Family planning in Leeds
- Fatty liver in Leeds
- Female urology in Leeds
- Femoral hernia in Leeds
- Fertility-sparing surgery in Leeds
- Fibroids in Leeds
- Fibromyalgia in Leeds
- Fistula in Leeds
- Foot in Leeds
- Forehead reduction (hair line lowering) in Leeds
- Foreskin problems in Leeds
- Fracture in Leeds
- Fractured humerus in Leeds
- Fractured shoulder in Leeds
- Frenuloplasty in Leeds
- Frozen shoulder in Leeds
- FUE hair transplant in Leeds
- Functional neurological disorder in Leeds
- Gallbladder surgery in Leeds
- Gallstones in Leeds
- Gastric sleeve in Leeds
- Gastrointestinal endoscopy in Leeds
- Gastroscopy in Leeds
- Genetic disorders in Leeds
- Genetic testing in Leeds
- Glaucoma in Leeds
- Gout in Leeds
- Gynaecological examination in Leeds
- Gynaecomastia in Leeds
- Haematuria (blood in the urine) in Leeds
- Haemorrhoid surgery in Leeds
- Hair loss in Leeds
- Hair transplant in Leeds
- Hand in Leeds
- Hand arthritis in Leeds
- Hand injury in Leeds
- Hand nerve repair surgery in Leeds
- Headache in Leeds
- Heart attack in Leeds
- Heart check up in Leeds
- Heart failure in Leeds
- Heart murmur in Leeds
- Heart valve surgery in Leeds
- Heavy periods in Leeds
- Heminephrectomy in Leeds
- Hepatic encephalopathy in Leeds
- Hepatorenal syndrome in Leeds
- Hernia in Leeds
- Herniated disc percutaneous surgery in Leeds
- Hiatal hernia in Leeds
- High triglycerides in Leeds
- Hip in Leeds
- Hip pain in Leeds
- Hip prosthesis in Leeds
- Hip replacement in Leeds
- Holistic psychology in Leeds
- Hormone therapy in Leeds
- Human papillomavirus (HPV) in Leeds
- Human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) in Leeds
- Hydrocele in Leeds
- Hydronephrosis in Leeds
- Hypercholesterolemia in Leeds
- Hypersomnia in Leeds
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in Leeds
- Immunotherapy in Leeds
- Incisional hernia in Leeds
- Inflammatory arthritis in Leeds
- Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Leeds
- Inguinal hernia in Leeds
- Injuries diagnosis in Leeds
- Insomnia in Leeds
- Interstitial cystitis in Leeds
- Intrauterine device (IUD) in Leeds
- Intravitreal injection in Leeds
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in Leeds
- Itchy bottom in Leeds
- Jaundice in Leeds
- Kidney infection in Leeds
- Kidney stones in Leeds
- Knee in Leeds
- Knee arthritis in Leeds
- Knee arthroscopy in Leeds
- Knee replacement in Leeds
- Knee surgery in Leeds
- Kyphoplasty in Leeds
- Labial adhesions in Leeds
- Laminectomy in Leeds
- Laparoscopic hernia surgery in Leeds
- Laparoscopy in Leeds
- Laser disc surgery in Leeds
- Laser photocoagulation in Leeds
- Laser vaginal rejuvenation in Leeds
- Laxatives in Leeds
- Learning disabilities in Leeds
- Lip surgery in Leeds
- Lipid disorders in Leeds
- Lipoma in Leeds
- Liver in Leeds
- Liver disease in Leeds
- Liver function tests in Leeds
- Liver transplant in Leeds
- Low back pain in Leeds
- Low blood pressure (hypotension) in Leeds
- Lumbar discectomy in Leeds
- Lumbar fusion in Leeds
- Lumbar herniated disc in Leeds
- Lumbar nerve root block in Leeds
- Lupus in Leeds
- Macular degeneration (AMD) in Leeds
- Macular hole in Leeds
- Macular oedema in Leeds
- Magnetoencephalography in Leeds
- Male breast cancer in Leeds
- Male genital surgery in Leeds
- Marfan syndrome in Leeds
- Mastitis in Leeds
- Medial branch block in Leeds
- Medicolegal in Leeds
- Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) in Leeds
- Memory disorder in Leeds
- Memory exercises in Leeds
- Memory test in Leeds
- Men's health check in Leeds
- Menopause in Leeds
- Menstrual disorders in Leeds
- Metabolic syndrome in Leeds
- Metastasis in Leeds
- Micrograft hair transplant in Leeds
- Micropenis in Leeds
- Microvascular angina in Leeds
- Mid face lift in Leeds
- Migraine in Leeds
- Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in Leeds
- Minimal access surgery (keyhole surgery) in Leeds
- Minimally invasive spinal surgery in Leeds
- Mitral regurgitation in Leeds
- Mitral valve repair in Leeds
- MRI in Leeds
- Multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK) in Leeds
- Muscular dystrophy in Leeds
- Myasthenia gravis in Leeds
- Myelitis in Leeds
- Myocarditis in Leeds
- Myopathies in Leeds
- Myopia in Leeds
- Narcolepsy in Leeds
- Neck lift in Leeds
- Neck pain in Leeds
- Nephrectomy (kidney removal) in Leeds
- Nephropathy (Kidney disease) in Leeds
- Neuralgia in Leeds
- Neuro-oncology in Leeds
- Neurological disorders in Leeds
- Neurological treatments in Leeds
- Neuromuscular disease in Leeds
- Neuropathic pain in Leeds
- Neurorehabilitation in Leeds
- Nipple discharge in Leeds
- Nocturnal enuresis (adult bedwetting) in Leeds
- Nutrition in pregnancy in Leeds
- Nutritional coaching in Leeds
- Obesity in Leeds
- OCT (optical coherence tomography) in Leeds
- Ocular hypertension in Leeds
- One Stop Breast Clinic in Leeds
- Open angle glaucoma in Leeds
- Orchidopexy in Leeds
- Osteoarthritis in Leeds
- Osteomyelitis in Leeds
- Osteoporosis in Leeds
- Osteoporosis of the spine in Leeds
- Osteotomy in Leeds
- Otoplasty in Leeds
- Ovarian cancer debulking in Leeds
- Ovarian cyst in Leeds
- Overactive bladder in Leeds
- Pacemaker in Leeds
- Paediatric orthopaedics in Leeds
- Paediatric urology in Leeds
- Paediatrics in Leeds
- Palpitations in Leeds
- Pancreatic cancer in Leeds
- Pancreatitis in Leeds
- Parasomnias in Leeds
- Parkinson's disease in Leeds
- Partial knee replacement in Leeds
- Patent foramen ovale in Leeds
- Pearly penile papules in Leeds
- Pelvic exenteration surgery in Leeds
- Pelvic floor in Leeds
- Pelvic floor reconstructive surgery in Leeds
- Pelvic pain syndrome in Leeds
- Penis disorders in Leeds
- Pericarditis in Leeds
- Perineal wounds in Leeds
- Peripheral neuropathy in Leeds
- Personalised medicine in Leeds
- Phimosis in Leeds
- Piles (haemorrhoids) in Leeds
- Pilonidal sinus in Leeds
- Pinnaplasty in Leeds
- Platelet-rich plasma in Leeds
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in Leeds
- Polypectomy in Leeds
- Polyps in Leeds
- Polysomnography (sleep study) in Leeds
- Posterior urethral valves (PUV) in Leeds
- Postmenopausal bleeding in Leeds
- PoTS syndrome in Leeds
- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in Leeds
- Prenatal testing in Leeds
- Preparation for childbirth in Leeds
- Preputioplasty in Leeds
- Preventive cardiology in Leeds
- Preventive mastectomy in Leeds
- Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) in Leeds
- Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) in Leeds
- Prostate in Leeds
- PSA test in Leeds
- Pyeloplasty in Leeds
- Radiofrequency denervation in Leeds
- Radiofrequency treatment (RFA) in Leeds
- Rectal prolapse in Leeds
- Rectal surgery in Leeds
- Rectocele in Leeds
- Rectosigmoidoscopy in Leeds
- Restless legs syndrome in Leeds
- Retina in Leeds
- Retinal detachment in Leeds
- Retinal detachment surgery in Leeds
- Retinal tear in Leeds
- Retinal vein occlusion in Leeds
- Retinitis pigmentosa in Leeds
- Retinopathy in Leeds
- Rhinoplasty (nose job) in Leeds
- Robotic surgery in Leeds
- Rotator cuff injury in Leeds
- Rotator cuff surgery in Leeds
- Scapholunate ligament in Leeds
- Sciatica in Leeds
- Scleroderma in Leeds
- Scoliosis in Leeds
- Scrotal swelling in Leeds
- Seizures in Leeds
- Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Leeds
- Short frenulum in Leeds
- Shortness of breath in Leeds
- Shoulder in Leeds
- Shoulder arthroscopy in Leeds
- Shoulder dislocation in Leeds
- Shoulder instability in Leeds
- Shoulder prosthesis in Leeds
- Shoulder replacement in Leeds
- Shoulder surgery in Leeds
- Shoulder tendonitis in Leeds
- Sjogren's syndrome in Leeds
- Skeletal dysplasia in Leeds
- Skin lesions in Leeds
- SLAP tear in Leeds
- Sleep disorders in Leeds
- Slipped disc in Leeds
- Soft tissue sarcoma in Leeds
- Spinal cancer in Leeds
- Spinal column in Leeds
- Spinal cord compression in Leeds
- Spinal Cord Injury in Leeds
- Spinal disc replacement in Leeds
- Spinal fusion in Leeds
- Spinal injections in Leeds
- Spinal osteoarthritis in Leeds
- Spinal stenosis in Leeds
- Spinal surgery in Leeds
- Spine fracture in Leeds
- Spondylolisthesis in Leeds
- Sports injuries in Leeds
- Sports surgery in Leeds
- Sports traumatology in Leeds
- Statins in Leeds
- Stem cells in Leeds
- Sternoclavicular joint in Leeds
- Stress incontinence in Leeds
- Stress test in Leeds
- Stroke in Leeds
- Stye in Leeds
- Supraspinatus tendon tear in Leeds
- Supraventricular tachycardia in Leeds
- Syncope in Leeds
- Tachycardia in Leeds
- Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (broken heart syndrome) in Leeds
- Targeted therapy in Leeds
- Tarlov cyst in Leeds
- TAVI (transcatheter aortic valve implantation) in Leeds
- Taxi driver medical in Leeds
- Tendinopathy in Leeds
- Tendon injuries in Leeds
- Tendonitis in Leeds
- Tension headache in Leeds
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in Leeds
- Transoesophageal echocardiogram in Leeds
- Transvaginal ultrasound in Leeds
- Traumatic brain injury in Leeds
- Traumatic injury in Leeds
- Tremor in Leeds
- Trigeminal neuralgia in Leeds
- Ulcerative colitis in Leeds
- Ulnar nerve entrapment in Leeds
- Ulnar nerve surgery in Leeds
- Ultrasound in Leeds
- Umbilical hernia in Leeds
- Undescended testicle (Cryptorchidism) in Leeds
- Ureteral reimplantation in Leeds
- Ureterocele in Leeds
- Urethra surgery in Leeds
- Urinary incontinence in Leeds
- Urinary incontinence in women in Leeds
- Urinary tract infection in Leeds
- Urodynamic testing in Leeds
- Uroflowmetry in Leeds
- Urogenital injuries in Leeds
- UroLift® in Leeds
- Vaginal cysts in Leeds
- Vaginal problems in Leeds
- Vaginal prolapse in Leeds
- Vaginal ring in Leeds
- Vaginitis in Leeds
- Valvular heart disease in Leeds
- Varicocele in Leeds
- Vascular dementia in Leeds
- Vasculitis in Leeds
- Vasectomy in Leeds
- Ventricular tachycardia in Leeds
- Vertebroplasty in Leeds
- Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) (kidney reflux) in Leeds
- Vitrectomy in Leeds
- Vitreomacular traction in Leeds
- Vulvar precancer in Leeds
- Watery eyes in Leeds
- Weight loss in Leeds
- Women's health check in Leeds
- Work stress in Leeds
- Wrist surgery in Leeds
- YAG laser capsulotomy in Leeds
- YAG laser iridotomy in Leeds