Held Health

Held Health 01392325978 The Generator, The Quay, EX2 4AN
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Centro specializzato in:

Disturbo da Deficit di Attenzione e Iper... Autismo Ansia Psichiatria infantile Psicologia infantile Sviluppo del bambino

Perché è un centro medico di prim'ordine

Held Health is a renowned mental health and neuro-diversity service for children, young people and families available across the UK, both in person and online. Dr Anthony Crabb, a leading consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist, is the Clinical Director. Held Health offers personalised assessment and treatment for ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)ASD (autism spectrum disorder)learning difficulties, and various mental health disorders.

At Held Health, the clinical team is comprised of highly qualified psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and therapists as well as specialist nurses, who are dedicated to helping families better understand and navigate the mental health needs of their younger family members. Held Health focuses on achieving meaningful change and takes a comprehensive approach to mental health that considers all aspects of wellbeing – not just a child who is struggling.

Held Health is registered with the Care Quality Commission and delivers the foremost mental health service for children, young people and families across all stages of their mental health journey using tailored therapeutic approaches, including cognitive behavioural therapy and prescribed medication.

Il centro

Held Health

The Generator, The Quay, EX2 4AN, Exeter, Exeter

Assicurazioni mediche compatibili con questo centro


Quadro medico del centro

Dr Anthony Crabb

Psichiatra infantile

Esperto in:

ADHD Autismo Psichiatria infantile Disturbi dell'apprendimento Attacchi di panico Stress
Dr Emily Hale



Esperto in:

Autismo Valutazione psicologica Ansia Depressione Disturbi dell'umore Fobie
Dr Ben Parker


Esperto in:

ADHD Psichiatria infantile Attacchi di panico Problemi comportamentali Bulimia Terapia familiare
Dr Samantha Yong


Esperto in:

Terapia comportamentale dialettica Test dello spettro autistico ADHD Psicoterapia cognitivo comportamentale Autismo

RICHIEDI APPUNTAMENTO ADESSO: Il servizio di gestione degli appuntamenti è gratuito

Richiedi un appuntamento online, il centro ti contatterà.

Richiedi un appuntamento online
Dr Anthony Crabb
Psichiatra Infantile
Vedi il profilo
Dr Emily Hale
Vedi il profilo
Dr Ben Parker
Vedi il profilo
Dr Samantha Yong
Vedi il profilo
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