Video di Sarum Road Hospital - part of Circle Health Group

All you need to know about robotic knee replacement - Online interview


Traditional knee replacement surgery has worked well for many years. However, the metal rods that are involved in the alignment process are better utilised in robotic knee surgery. Furthermore, recovery time is significantly shorter in comparison. Here to provide a detailed guide to this innovative knee replacement method, including its benefits, is highly-regarded orthopaedic surgeon Mr Christopher Arthur Bailey. 00:00 What exactly does robotic knee replacement entail? 01:17 Who is the ideal candidate? 02:05 Is there anyone who may not be suitable? 02:37 What is recovery time like? To schedule a consultation with Mr Bailey, visit his Top Doctors profile here today: ✔ Follow us on Instagram: ✔ Follow us on Facebook: ✔ Follow us on Twitter:

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