Video del Mr Andrew Goldberg

What is ankle arthritis?


Ankle arthritis can affect your quality of life as much as end stage hip arthritis and heart failure. In this article, Mr Andrew Goldberg, Consultant Orthopaedic Foot & ankle Surgeon at the Wellington Hospital in London, UK, explores ankle arthritis and osteoarthritis. In ankle arthritis, the cartilage is worn and the bone starts to rub on the bone. Resulting in ankle joint pain. As with other joints, articular cartilage lines the bones surface. This is a form of shock absorber, allowing smooth gliding motion during walking and running. The normal smooth motion of the joint is affected when this cartilage becomes worn. This can happen as a result of wear and tear or damage following injury or disease. The rubbing of the bone on bone causes pain and stiffness and these are the main symptoms of ankle arthritis. People with ankle arthritis often also limp and find it impossible to participate in sports or even normal walking without pain. The video is part of a series of videos that explore the non-surgical and surgical treatments for ankle arthritis. #thebarebones Learn more at : More videos from Mr Andrew Goldberg can be seen at : You can learn more about Andrew Goldberg at : Subscribe on Youtube : Join us on Facebook : Follow on Twitter: https : // Connect with us on Linkedin :

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