Risultati accademici salienti
• BSc, Psychology, University College London (1979)• PhD, Psychology, University of London (1983)
• MB BChir, University of Cambridge (1986)• FRCS (SN), Neurochirurgia, Royal College of Surgeons of England (2002)
Pubblicazioni e conferenze
• Spine Conference della British Association of Spinal Surgeons (BASS), Brighton 2019• Society of British Neurological Surgeons Conference: 1994, 1997, 2000, 2005, 2009, 2010 e 2018
• Conferenze della Federazione dei medici indipendenti: 2009 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 estate / inverno, 2016, 2017, 2018• 3 ° Annual UK Myeloma Symposium RCSEng 2016• Robotics and Humans RSPhysicians 2015• Conferenza Cervical Spine, London British Museum 2015• Spine Conference, Warwick & Bath, British Association of Spinal Surgeons (BASS) 2014, 2015• Globus Medical Workshop (Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion), Philadelphia 2011, 2012, 2013• Conferenza Merc sulle complicazioni e la gestione della colonna vertebrale, Marlow 2011• Riunione neurochirurgica norvegese annuale, Oslow 2003, 2004• British Neurosurgical Research Group: 1998, 2003, 2005• Mitchener. A, Selway. R. 2008: riprogettazione del servizio per la malattia degenerativa della colonna vertebrale. Atti del 151 Meeting of the Society of British Neurological Surgeons, British Journal of Neurosurgery, 22: 2, 169 - 186• Murrey. A, Mitchener. A, Whitfield. P, Malagoli. M, Staff, R, Welch. D, Venneri. A 2005. Mappatura della lingua utilizzando la tomografia ad emissione di positroni H2150 in pazienti con tumori cerebrali per la pianificazione preoperatoria.• Whittle. Io, Mitchener. A, Atkinson. H, Wharton. S. Progressione anaplastica nei tumori glioneurali di basso grado. Acta Neuropathol (Berl) 104: 216, 2001. Mitchener. A, Wyper. D, Patterson. J, Hadley.D, Wilson. JTL, Scott. LC, Jones. M, Teasdale. G. Immagini SPECT, CT e RM nella lesione cranica: anormalità acute seguite a distanza di sei mesi. Jl of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 82: 1997.• Mitchener. A, Wyper. D, e Teasdale. G. 1993 - Il ruolo di SPECT in Head i Injury. Amersham International Ltd: Symposium on Neuroimaging clinico con SPECT. Cardiff, giugno 1993.• Mitchener. A, Wyper.D, Patterson. J, Hadley.D, Wilson. L e Teasdale. G. 1993. Imaging SPECT in Head Injury: La relazione tra anormalità acute e deficit cognitivi clinici residui a 6 mesi. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. Vol 13 (Supp. 1), S545.• Clow. A, Topham. A, Saunders. J, Murray. R e Sandler. M. 1985. Il ruolo del Salsolinolo nell'assunzione e nel ritiro dell'alcool. In: Aldeide Products in Alcoholism p103 - 111. Ed. Collins. MA, Alan. R Lisa Inc. NY• Murray. R, Clifford.C, Girling. H, Topham.A, Clow. A e Bernhadt. M. 1983 Currant Genetic and Biological Approaches to Alcoholism. Psychiatric Developments Vol 1. N: 2, p179 - 193. Litman.G e Topham.A 1983 - Esiti sugli studi sulle tecniche nel trattamento dell'alcolismo in: Sviluppi recenti nell'alcolismo Vol 1. Capitolo 7, p176. Ed. Galanter., M, Plenum Publishing Corporation.• Bhattacherya. A, Glover. V, Sandler. M, Clow. A, Topham. A, Bernhadt. M e Murray. R. 1982. Produzione di inibitori di monoaminossidasi ossidasi aumentata in alcolisti post-estrazione: effetti della L-dopa e dell'etanolo. Biological Psychiatry Vol 17. P687 - 694
Opinioni dei pazienti
J B. Paziente verificato
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Appointment was slightly delayed. Otherwise, appointment was most helpful and professional.
D C. Paziente verificato
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Dr Anne Mitchener is an amazing surgeon, really friendly and provided thorough advise on the treatment. Aftercare treatment has also been spot on! My recovery has been so good with all the help and advise recieved from her. She is an amazing surgeon!
M P. Paziente verificato
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Fantastic clinic. Perfectly happy with the result of the surgery.
K. Paziente verificato
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Dr Mitchener got me sitting and walking for the first time in months. She and her team made every effort to perform the surgery as soon as possible, rushing round with short notice. Couldn't be happier with the results and her care!