Mr Derek McMinn

Traumatologo a Birmingham


Mr Derek McMinn esperto in:

Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine

Mr Derek McMinn, a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, is a world-leading hip and knee expert who has performed more than 3,500 metal-on-metal hip resurfacing procedures in the last twenty years. Referred to as the 'father of modern hip resurfacing', Mr McMinn is a leading surgeon in his field. 

After graduating from St Thomas' Hospital, London in 1977, Mr McMinn went on to gain orthopaedic training across some of the top centres around the world. During his time spent as Director of the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham, Mr McMinn challenged conventional hip and knee replacement techniques and went on to develop revolutionary treatments, such as the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing procedure which was the first successful hip resurfacing procedure for younger, active patients. 

Mr McMinn is actively involved in research and regularly presents his in-demand findings at orthopaedic conferences around the world, and many surgeons request to watch him perform surgery. In recognition of his contributions to medicine, in 2009 the University of Birmingham honoured Mr McMinn with the degree of Doctor of Medicine Honoris Causa.

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