Mr George Fayad

a London, Greater London e Essex


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Mr George Fayad esperto in:

Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine

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  • Atteggiamento del medico
  • Atteggiamento del personale
  • Attesa presso lo Studio Medico
  • Stato degli impianti
Tutte le recensioni provengono da pazienti reali e le opinioni sono state verificate dal nostro Dipartimento di Attenzione al Paziente al fine di garantire che soddisfino le norme del servizio.

Opinioni dei pazienti

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  • Atteggiamento del medico
  • Atteggiamento del personale
  • Attesa presso lo Studio Medico
  • Stato degli impianti

Commenti dei pazienti

George Fayad show more interest in my partner and my nationally and was more keen talking about his Greek background rather than explain what is going on. I had a hot chocolate and a bill of £220 for approximately 3 min consultation…

Paziente verificato

Consiglieresti il medico?

  • Atteggiamento del medico
  • Atteggiamento del personale
  • Attesa presso lo Studio Medico
  • Stato degli impianti

Commenti dei pazienti

We booked a private appointment £220, He saw us for 5 minutes literally. It seemed to me we are meeting a receptionist and not a Doctor who supposedly have 5 starts on other platforms and should perform serious operations. Very disappointed from his approach to us and care. He was constantly stating we need to do a Scan £850 and that without it he cannot say much. It felt he was very pushy when it came to the scan and it feels like a thing you MUST do so he speak to you more. He gave his bare minimum in our appointment. At the end we were not told that we will receive a letter with the details discussed, and when I called the receptionist she was so rude not acknowledging their lack of information and care. Such a shame and huge disappointment for a Doctor who seems to have good reviews (on other platforms but not here); if he considers himself a renewed Doctor he needs to take this review seriously, same goes for the HCA Harley Street Clinic/ Devonshire Diagnostic Centre who represent him. We will take this further. He needs to reflect on his approach and 5 minutes consultations over a coffee.

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Consiglieresti il medico?

  • Atteggiamento del medico
  • Atteggiamento del personale
  • Attesa presso lo Studio Medico
  • Stato degli impianti

Paziente verificato

Consiglieresti il medico?

  • Atteggiamento del medico
  • Atteggiamento del personale
  • Attesa presso lo Studio Medico
  • Stato degli impianti

Commenti dei pazienti

Really good and informative service. Hopiing our treatment plan works after i receive a follow up

Patologie, Esami e Trattamenti


Otra información de interés de George Fayad

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