Dr Hamza Ahmed

a Buckinghamshire


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Commenti dei pazienti

After searching through internet and other sources for a suitable practice I found the Hair Dr. Set up a call and discussed the ins and outs of everything. Dr Hamza was very helpful, clear of expectations and what to expect. I am so glad I picked them as the team was very polite and professional making me feel so comfortable on the day. They also send you home with an aftercare pack which is also very clear on what to do and not to do. They dedicate an entire day to working solely on you. I couldn’t be more happy and was completely pain free, apart from the injections as the beginning which feel like little bee stings. After couple minutes the pain is gone

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Commenti dei pazienti

Dr Hamza and Team at the Hair Doctor Beaconsfield were incredible in this process from start to finish. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go through with the process but he took the time to meet me and discuss it all with me very objectively. He’s patient, calm manner and evident enthusiasm for it were clear from the offset. The procedure itself was straight forward and I felt in good hands with Dr Hamza explaining it all to me as we went through. The clinic itself is really nice and they made the whole experience very comfortable. And finally, the aftercare was 10/10. Dr Hamza was available on WhatsApp for any questions and actively asked me for updates of the donor and recipient areas following the procedure. I’m very pleased with the results so far and would highly recommend to anyone.

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Commenti dei pazienti

First day after surgery and I’m very happy with the results of the previous day. Dr Hamza and his team were welcoming and professional throughout. The procedures were mainly carried out by Dr Hamza himself with the implanting performed by his team after he had made the incisions on where the new grafts are being placed. Aftercare is explained personally and also sent to you in video form which is convenient as remembering everything after quite a long day isn’t easy. I would also like to add that a natural look hairline to me was of huge importance. Obviously I’m still only on day one but I’m very hopeful from what I see now, I feel confident that il be happy with the end result. Overall I’m very happy to have taken the leap with the Hair Dr Beaconsfield. Thankyou to his Dr Hamza and his team for a job well done

Patologie, Esami e Trattamenti


Otra información de interés de Hamza Ahmed

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