Mr Hariom Sur

Urologo a Birmingham


Mr Hariom Sur esperto in:

Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine

Mr Hariom Sur is an accomplished consultant urologist, currently practising at The Harborne Hospital. Mr Sur’s areas of specialisation include the management of urinary stone disease and non-muscle invasive bladder cancer.

He graduated from the University of London in 2005 with a medical degree and subsequently pursued advanced surgical training in the West Midlands. To further refine his expertise, Mr Sur completed fellowship training at Fremantle Hospital in Australia and the Birmingham Children's Hospital. He has since become a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, specialising in urology.

Mr Sur's extensive experience allows him to offer a range of cutting-edge treatments in these areas, ensuring patients receive the highest standard of care. Dedicated to the advancement of his field, Mr Sur is actively involved in the education of future urologists, serving as a faculty member for courses on ureteroscopy and kidney stone treatments.

His contributions to urology research have led to numerous presentations at both national and international conferences, further cementing his reputation as a leader in his speciality.

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