Dr Philip Bazire

a London


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Dr Philip Bazire esperto in:

Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine

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  • Attesa presso lo Studio Medico
  • Stato degli impianti
Tutte le recensioni provengono da pazienti reali e le opinioni sono state verificate dal nostro Dipartimento di Attenzione al Paziente al fine di garantire che soddisfino le norme del servizio.

Opinioni dei pazienti

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Commenti dei pazienti

I am delighted with the follow-up I received from Dr Philip Bazire. This was my first medical experience via virtual appointments. The doctor was always very punctual and very attentive. He not only helped me with my weight management, but also considered my whole person.

Risposta al commento del paziente
Thank you very much for your review. I am delighted to have been able to help you. As you suggest, weight management is much more than just a figure; a holistic approach is essential if you are to achieve good and long-lasting results.

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Commenti dei pazienti

Dr. Bazire is the best doctor I’ve ever had! He has helped me lose 15kg and I’m currently still losing more. He is always there to help me and guide me in this process. It hasn’t been easy but he has definitely made it fun and easier to get through.

Risposta al commento del paziente
Thank you very much for your comments. It is a pleasure for me to see how well you have done and continue to do. I look forward to continuing to support you and to help you ensure long-term success. At the end of the day, my aim is not only to help you lose weight in a healthy way (losing fat, not muscle), but also to show you how to maintain that in the long term, so you won't need my services again.

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Commenti dei pazienti

I started the Pronokal Programme 3 months ago and I've managed to reduce my weight from 116kg to 87kg.of course while Pronokal is very good you also need guidance and Philip achieved a gold standard in this area..my body fat reduced from 36%>25%.without doubt the money well spent

Risposta al commento del paziente
Thank you very much for your comments. I am delighted you are happy with the result so far. As I discuss with all my patients, this is always an ongoing process, first to get to a weight at which you feel comfortable and where we have sorted out any weight-related health issues, then to achieve a healthy balanced diet that will help you stay weight stable. Be assured of my continued support.

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  • Atteggiamento del personale
  • Attesa presso lo Studio Medico
  • Stato degli impianti

Commenti dei pazienti

I would 100% recommend Dr. Bazire. He is a very kind, understanding, and non-judgmental human being. I have been cared for by him both as part of the Pronokal method and in other areas relating to weight, nutrition, and food management, as well as more general medical areas.

Risposta al commento del paziente
Thank you verymuch for your review. I am delighted you feel comfortable with my approach as well as with the areas we have been dealing with. I wish you continued success.

Patologie, Esami e Trattamenti

Otra información de interés de Philip Bazire

Fonte : Tutte le informazioni contenute in questa pagina, inclusa la disponibilità degli orari di visita, sono fornite direttamente dal medico, il quale ha la possibilità di aggiornarle in qualsiasi momento ai fini di mantenere l’informazione sempre aggiornata.
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