Dr Purushottam Desai

Cardiologo a Birmingham


Dr Purushottam Desai esperto in:

Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine

Dr Purushottam Desai is a distinguished consultant cardiologist based at Queen Elizabeth Hospital and at The Harborne Hospital in Birmingham, with expertise in heart failure and heart disease.

After achieving his MRCP(UK), he underwent comprehensive training in cardiology at several leading centres in London and the Midlands, equipping him with extensive experience in managing complex cardiovascular conditions.

Dr Desai holds dual accreditation in both general internal medicine (GIM) and cardiology, and his excellence in the field has been recognised by several awards from the British Cardiac Society. Appointed as a consultant cardiologist in 2010, Dr Desai has cultivated a particular expertise in heart failure.

He plays a key role in undergraduate teaching at the University of Birmingham, fostering the next generation of medical professionals. Alongside his specialist interest in heart failure, Dr Desai’s broad clinical expertise spans across general adult cardiology, where he regularly handles referrals for conditions such as valvular heart disease, coronary artery disease, and cardiac arrhythmias.

His commitment to delivering high-quality, patient-centred care, combined with his involvement in education, makes him a highly respected figure within the medical community.

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