Professor Richard Gibbs

Chirurgo vascolare a London


Professor Richard Gibbs esperto in:

Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine

* Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

(2 opiniones)
I consider my recent two Consultations with Professor Richard Gibbs immensely assisting with my present ageing condition. His clear reputational specialist experience, all round investigative explanatory next stage(s) reassuring. The supportive professional environment of London’s Cleveland Clinic in Victoria meritorious in the complementary Staff, Facilities, complementary services. Michael E Arwas London UK
9th September 2024
Written by a private patient
I'd like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Prof Richard Gibbs for seeing me at such short notice and for offering me such an excellent consultation and a holistic and clear view of the serious disorder I had the misfortune to suffer a month ago. Naturally, this comment is from the patient’s viewpoint, inevitably though it is also shaped by my professional capacity as a neurology physician and academic colleague. In particular, I have to praise Prof Gibbs for the diligence of his physical examination, the ample time he took to explain my medical condition and the clarity with which he impressed upon me the pertinent points. Last but not least for discussing and clarifying the appropriate plan for my best management. All the above with professional clarity and empathy! Being under his care gives a feeling of huge confidence!
4th April 2024
Written by a private patient

Patologie, Esami e Trattamenti


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