Dr Victor Thompson

Psicologo a London

BScPsy DipSpPsy PGDipCBT DClinPsy CEBHyp

Dr Victor Thompson esperto in:

Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine

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  • Atteggiamento del medico
  • Atteggiamento del personale
  • Attesa presso lo Studio Medico
  • Stato degli impianti
Tutte le recensioni provengono da pazienti reali e le opinioni sono state verificate dal nostro Dipartimento di Attenzione al Paziente al fine di garantire che soddisfino le norme del servizio.

Opinioni dei pazienti

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Commenti dei pazienti

Victor fully understood my problem and provided excellent guidance on how to deal with it. He is a very down to earth person who clearly is a very experienced and capable psychologist. He operates from a South London home and provides excellent value for money.

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  • Attesa presso lo Studio Medico
  • Stato degli impianti

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Consiglieresti il medico?

  • Atteggiamento del medico
  • Atteggiamento del personale
  • Attesa presso lo Studio Medico
  • Stato degli impianti

Commenti dei pazienti

Thank you Dr Victor for your help ,really appreciated.I will be in touch soon again

Risposta al commento del paziente
Thank you for your review. I'm glad to have been helpful. I look forward to seeing you again in the future, should the need arise. Best wishes, Victor

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  • Atteggiamento del medico
  • Atteggiamento del personale
  • Attesa presso lo Studio Medico
  • Stato degli impianti

Commenti dei pazienti

He made me feel bad about my problems and belittled them, don’t recommend this doctor, he is not sensitive and had no interesting insights and expensive for no reason

Risposta al commento del paziente
I am sorry to read that this was your experience of our appointment and wish you success with finding a speedy resolution to your difficulties. When I meet a patient for the first time, my goal is to learn about what is problematic, what has been tried, the goals and what the patient wants from me. I also plan to offer some comments and insights, plus ideas on what might be helpful to do after the appointment. Unfortunately, it is not always possible within this first appointment to give the novel insight or impactful remedy that people hope for. I wish that psychological therapy could be quicker. In relationships, one person will not be a great fit for everyone. This is the same in therapeutic relationships – so I will not be a good fit for everyone. This is why at the outset, I only agree to the initial appointment, where we can see how good a fit I am for a patient’s difficulties. If I am not such a good fit, then it is likely that there are other therapists out there, who have better aligned knowledge, approach, style or personality. It is important that patients to continue their search for right help for them.

Patologie, Esami e Trattamenti

Otra información de interés de Victor Thompson

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