Più di 6696 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Rectal bleeding: Should I be worried?

It is estimated that up to 10% of the population will have an episode of rectal bleeding each year. Finding blood in your stool is often caused by anal fissures and piles, however you may be worried that something else more sinister might be causing it. Dr Evangelos Russo is a skilled gastroenterologist based in London and offers us his advice on what might be causing blood in your stool.

The pros and cons of a virtual colonoscopy

Colonoscopies after the age of 50 become a regular procedure to check inside the colon for abnormalities. Nowadays, a virtual colonoscopy is available to patients and offers a non-invasive and less aggressive alternative to a regular colonoscopy. But what happens during the procedure and can it offer more reliable results? Dr John Martin, a leading gastroenterologist in London, explains what a virtual colonoscopy is and why it might be right for you.

Mostra risultati 170 di 283

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