142 Articoli medici su Neurologia Più di 7996 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Redazione internazionale di Top Doctors

Redazione internazionale di Top Doctors

Finding your footing on dizziness

Dizziness is a feeling of lightheadedness and off-balance. It is typically a symptom of an underlying condition or disorder. In this article, a consultant neurologist describes dizziness and its associated pathologies.

Exploring functional neurological disorder

Functional neurological disorder (FND) is a complex condition where the brain struggles to send and interpret signals correctly, leading to symptoms that mimic other neurological conditions. The condition can be challenging to diagnose and manage. We speak to leading consultant neurologist Dr Abhijit Das, who provides clarity and hope for those affected by this disorder.

Metabolic neuropathies and bad diet

Metabolic neuropathies are nerve disorders linked to metabolic issues within the body, often due to conditions like diabetes, hypothyroidism, and nutrient deficiencies. Neuropathy means nerve damage, which can lead to symptoms such as pain, tingling, numbness, and muscle weakness, typically in the hands and feet. While many factors can lead to nerve damage, a poor diet plays a significant role in metabolic neuropathies, influencing the risk and severity of nerve dysfunction. Let’s examine how diet impacts metabolic neuropathies and what dietary factors patients should consider.

Mostra risultati 10 di 142

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