Più di 6749 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Managing menopausal migraines:Lifestyle, prevention, and hormone replacement therapy

In part two of her series on menopause and migraines, Dr Ashlesha Dhairyawan gives us her insights. She talks about how lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise influence migraines during menopause, if there any preventative measures or lifestyle changes that can help alleviate migraines in menopausal women and how hormonal replacement therapy can affect migraines in menopausal women.

Menopause and migraines: Connection and coping strategies

In her latest article of a two-part series on migraines and menopause, Dr Ashlesha Dhairyawan gives us her insights. She talks about how menopause can impact the frequency and severity of migraines in women, if hormonal changes during menopause are linked to an increase in migraines and if there are specific age groups within the menopausal phase that are more prone to migraines.

Winter pregnancy care: Expert tips

Embarking on the miraculous journey of pregnancy during the winter months adds a unique set of considerations for expectant mothers. Mr Keith Duncan, is dedicated to delivering exceptional pregnancy care for a secure and positive experience. In his latest online article, Mr Duncan delves into the distinctive aspects of winter pregnancy care and highlights how his services can enhance this journey.

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