390 Articoli medici su Chirurgia plastica, estetica e riparatrice Più di 6749 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

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Chirurgia plastica, estetica e riparatrice

Choosing DIEP flap breast reconstruction surgery

Breast reconstruction can be a key part of the healing process for patients undergoing a mastectomy due to breast cancer or other conditions. Among the various breast reconstruction options available, DIEP flap breast reconstruction surgery is a complex and highly personalised procedure that can provide natural-looking results. This article explores what the DIEP flap procedure entails, the risks involved, the recovery process, and the expected outcomes.

Lip wrinkles: Causes and treatments

Lip wrinkles, often referred to as "lip lines" or "smoker's lines," are fine lines that appear on and around the lips. These wrinkles can be caused by a variety of factors and tend to become more noticeable as we age. Leading consultant and aesthetic surgeon Dr Jacqueline Lewis takes closer look at what causes lip wrinkles and the treatments available to address them.

Breast augmentation after breast cancer: What to expect

Breast augmentation following breast cancer surgery is a significant step in the recovery process, aiming to restore the breast's appearance and improve the patient's quality of life. This procedure can help many women regain confidence and a sense of normalcy after their battle with cancer. Here’s a comprehensive guide from leading consultant oncoplastic breast surgeon Mr Ioannis Michalakis on what to expect.

A comprehensive guide to Breast reconstruction: Techniques and innovations

Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure aimed at restoring the shape and appearance of the breast following mastectomy or lumpectomy. Advancements in surgical techniques and innovations have significantly improved outcomes, providing patients with more options and better results. This guide from leading cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon Mr Nikos Lymperopoulos explores the various techniques and recent innovations in breast reconstruction.

Breast reduction surgery: The complete guide

Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a common surgical procedure designed to alleviate the discomfort associated with overly large breasts. Here, Mr Andreas Shiatis, renowned consultant plastic surgeon, provides answers to common questions about breast reduction surgery, including the consultation process, the procedure itself, and the expected results.

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