Più di 6749 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Breathlessness: when should I see a doctor?

While occasionally feeling short of breath is a healthy and normal human response, having difficulty breathing (also known as breathlessness) may be a sign of a serious condition. Dr John Chinegwundoh, a highly-experienced Consultant Respiratory Physician, provides an expert insight into breathlessness, including when medical attention should be sought.

Does COVID-19 have a permanent effect on the lungs?

Considering its initial status as a dangerous respiratory illness with unknown qualities, it’s no surprise that people may want to know all about the after effects of COVID-19 on the lungs. Leading specialist in pulmonary and respiratory medicine Dr Grace Robinson provides her reassuring, expert take on the side effects of COVID-19 on the lungs, and just how acute the symptoms are.

Get it off your chest: Why you should see your doctor about a chronic cough

If you're experiencing a chronic cough, the symptoms can be incredibly frustrating. If you can find the underlying cause, you may be able to clear it up quicker than you think. Here to offer expert advice on finding out what could be causing it, is leading respiratory expert Dr Neal Navani. Read on to find out more.

What is a paroxysmal cough?

In most cases, a cough is a simple reflex from the body to remove mucus, smoke or irritants from the airway. In some instances, however, certain types of coughs may indicate a more serious underlying condition and be a reason for concern. Professor Suveer Singh, award-winning respiratory, sleep and critical care consultant, provides an expert insight into the different types of coughs and how they are identified.

Can COVID-19 cause asthma?

Currently, the connection between SARS-CoV-2 and asthma remains largely unclear. However, existing knowledge about the connection between respiratory viruses and the progress of asthma, suggests that COVID-19 can be a trigger for signficiant outcomes. Here to provide an expert insight into this complex topic is Dr Sandip Banerjee, esteemed respiratory and sleep physician with significant experience on COVID-19 treatment.

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