Più di 6749 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Oesophageal cancer how curable treatment options

In the UK, approximately 8,200 people get diagnosed with oesophagal cancer every year. Although that figure isn't as high as other types of cancer, experts have seen a gradual increase in cases, especially in the west. So, what's causing this rise? Prof Bijendra Patel, one of our top upper GI and laparoscopic surgeons from London, explains what causes oesophagal cancer and how it's treated.

Is risk reducing mastectomy right for you

Deciding whether your risk of breast cancer is high enough to warrant the removal of both of your breasts can be a tough process to go through. Some women choose to just undergo a mastectomy whilst others undergo both a mastectomy and a subsequent reconstruction to rebuild the shape and look of their breasts. Mr Haresh Devalia, a leading breast and oncoplastic surgeon explains what a mastectomy involves and how effective it is to help you decide whether this procedure is right for you.

Home-based weight loss treatments COVID-19

Are you worried about COVID-19 complications and being overweight? Or have you gained weight during lockdown and need help to lose it? Accessing weight loss treatments and advice right now might seem difficult while there are still social restrictions across the country. But worry not, Mr Ahmed R. Ahmed, a weight loss specialist from London explains which weight loss treatments he can still offer for home-use and what added benefits there are for losing weight amid this pandemic.

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