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Laparoscopy for liver and pancreatic surgery

The part of the body where the liver and pancreas, bile ducts, and gallbladder are located is referred to as hepato-pancreato-biliary (HBP). In this area, the anatomy is quite intricate, with the organs delicately intertwined behind the bottom of the ribcage – thus, a laparoscopic surgical procedure is an ideal way to examine and address issues there, as it is a minimally invasive procedure.

Laparoscopic hernia surgery: what to expect

A hernia is a great source of discomfort and potential complications. Laparoscopic hernia repair is a minimally invasive surgical technique used to fix hernias, offering many benefits over traditional open surgery. We speak to a revered consultant surgeon who discusses when laparoscopic surgery might be needed, how it's performed, and what you can expect from the procedure and recovery process.

The importance of self-awareness in breast cancer

Self-awareness and self-examination are vital tools in the early detection of breast cancer. Going to screenings and organising scans is not something that every person is able to fit in with their schedules, so being able to monitor your own body for irregularities can mean all the difference to how the cancer is treated if found. In this article, a leading oncoplastic breast surgeon tells us about the importance of self-awareness, and how it can be utilised against breast cancer.

Breast reduction surgery for cancer patients and cosmetic treatment

Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, serves two distinct purposes: therapeutic treatment for patients recovering from breast cancer and cosmetic improvement for those seeking relief from physical discomfort or aesthetic concerns. Both types of procedures can significantly improve a patient's quality of life, but the approach and considerations for each can differ.

What you need to know about bowel cancer screening

Bowel cancer, or colorectal cancer, is one of the UK’s most common types of cancer. Screening, which can lead to early detection, significantly improves outcomes and survival rates. It also involves testing for signs of cancer in people who don’t have symptoms. By identifying abnormalities early, treatment can begin sooner, which is key to preventing the disease from progressing.

Understanding pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most challenging malignancies to diagnose and treat, often presenting with few specific symptoms until it has reached advanced stages. Early detection is thus crucial for improving patient outcomes. Here, Mr Nikolaos Chatzizacharias, renowned consultant hepato-pancreato-biliary and liver transplant surgeon, will explore the symptoms and staging of pancreatic cancer, along with the different treatment options available, including surgery.

Breast cancer genetics: The role of BRCA1 and BRCA2

Genetics plays a significant role in the development of breast cancer, significantly increasing a woman’s risk of developing the cancer. Here, Mr Naren Basu, renowned consultant oncoplastic breast surgeon, provides an expert insight into breast cancer genetics, discussing the role of genes such as BRCA1 and BRCA2, the implications of genetic testing, and the treatment options available for those affected.

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