427 Articoli medici su Chirurgia generale Più di 5815 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

The importance of sleep: Gender differences and health implications

Sleep is a fundamental aspect of human life, yet its quality and quantity often receive less attention than they deserve. Recent research highlights the significant differences in sleep patterns between genders and highlights the profound implications of inadequate sleep on health. In her latest online article, Mrs Kalpana Devalia gives us her insights.

Life after gastric bypass surgery: What to expect

Gastric bypass surgery requires significant lifestyle adjustments, starting with a strict fluid-only diet that gradually transitions to solids, while avoiding sweets to prevent complications. Recovery includes a brief hospital stay and a gradual return to activities. Though rare, complications can occur, including nutritional deficiencies. Regular exercise is essential for sustained weight loss, typically noticeable within the first year. In his latest online article, Mr Ahmed Hamouda explores the necessary dietary changes, recovery process, potential complications, and expected outcomes following gastric bypass surgery.

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