Più di 6696 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

How does laser therapy treat prostate enlargement?

Enlarged prostates can commonly cause issues with passing urine in men over the age of 50. In most cases, an enlarged prostate can be treated with medication, however, if medical therapy proves ineffective, laser therapy is a safe and effective treatment option. Well-regarded consultant urologist Mr Aasem Chaudry shares his expertise on the procedure, looking at some potential complications to be aware of and whether it can be used to treat prostate cancer or not.

Epididymal cysts: When is surgery needed to remove growths in the scrotum?

An epididymal cyst is a fluid-filled growth that forms in the epididymis, the tube located on the upper testicle (in the scrotum). Although non-cancerous and generally painless, surgery for the removal of an epididymal cyst may be recommended. Mr Mark Cynk, highly experienced consultant urological surgeon, provides an expert insight into epididymal cyst surgery.

Mostra risultati 160 di 371

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