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A guide to MRI Fusion Vector prostate biopsy

An MRI Fusion Vector prostate biopsy is a procedure which can detect prostate cancer. The procedure implements a combination of real-time ultrasound guidance and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It is a biopsy which can detect abnormal areas of the prostate which indicate that cancer may be present in the cells. Esteemed consultant urologist Mr Christof Kastner explains the procedure, including how it is performed and its benefits.

Prostate cancer screening and diagnosis

The European Urology Association recommends that men should initiate early detection for prostate cancer screenings, at an individual level, beginning from the age of 50 if they do not have a family history of prostate cancer or who are not of African descent. On the other hand, men who do have a family history of prostate cancer or who are of African descent should begin prostate cancer screening from the age of 45 years. Men who carry BRCA2 mutations should start their screening at 40 years of age. Individuals, both male and female, with these mutations are more prone to suffer from early onset of breast, ovarian or prostate cancer in these male and female individuals).

What is retzius sparing prostatectomy?

Robotic Retzius-sparing radical prostatectomy is a surgical technique which is used for the treatment of prosate cancer. It is a minimally invasive surgical technique. The surgery involves use of a surgical robot to remove the prostate gland while sparing the Retzius space. This is a potential space between the bladder and prostate gland. During the RRP procedure, several small incisions will be made in the abdomen. The surgeon will insert small surgical instruments and a camera attached to the robotic arms.

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