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Catching prostate cancer: mpMRI scan

Prostate cancer is a big worry for many men as they get older, and when urinary symptoms start, it is best to get checked out by a doctor, even if just to be on the safe side. There are a number of different tests and scans to check for signs of prostate cancer. Multi-parametric MRI (mpMRI) scans are an advanced form of MRI scanning which produces more detailed images than standard MRIs. Leading urologist Professor Richard Hindley explains.

How benign prostate enlargement causes urinary symptoms and UTIs

BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia), also known as prostate enlargement, produces urinary symptoms including a frequent urge to urinate, an inability to fully empty the bladder and difficulty starting to urinate. Alongside these symptoms, having BPH can lead to urinary tract infections (UTI). Mr Jeremy Crew, a top urologist, explains these symptoms.

How to tell if you’ve got cystitis

Cystitis is quite simply inconvenient, from the burning sensation when trying to urinate to sitting on the toilet in utter frustration. Sometimes, however, the discomfort of trying to empty the bladder could be a symptom of another complex nerve condition, which has been mistaken as a UTI. Expert urologist Mr Keng Jing Ng explains how to differentiate between cystitis or something else…

Diagnosing prostate cancer - having a transperineal prostate biopsy

1 in 8 men in the UK will receive a diagnosis of prostate cancer in their lifetime. The prostate is a male gland located between the bladder and penis, surrounding the urethra. The prostate grows in size with age and its main purpose is to help make semen, which is the fluid that carries the sperm. Professor Francis Chinegwundoh MBE, a renowned urologist, explains how prostate cancer can be diagnosed with a transperineal prostate biopsy.

Female urinary incontinence over time: a wee guide

Little accidents happen to everyone. Urinary incontinence is surprisingly common at all stages of life, ranging from small leakages to bigger accidents. While some people accept it, believing it is simply a part of getting older, often there is something that can be done. Experienced urologist Mr Nikesh Thiruchelvam is here to explain how your bladder changes as you age and when you should see a doctor about incontinence.

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