Più di 5815 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Peripheral vascular disease: types, risk factors and treatment options

Peripheral vascular disease can make it painful for you to walk so far because of the narrowed arteries that supply blood to your legs. In more severe cases, you might be left with rest pain, which can lead to ulcers, gangrene, and if left untreated, amputation. Here general and vascular surgeon Mr Sabu Jacob explains all you need to know about the disease and the treatment options.

ETS Surgery as a solution for blushing and hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating and blushing can have a big impact on self confidence. Whilst it affects a small number of people in the UK, it can have a very negative impact on day-to-day life for patients. Recently we spoke to leading venous and vascular surgeon, Mr David Greenstein, to find out about ETS surgery, a procedure he uses often to treat blushing.

Carotid arteries what are warning signs narrowed neck artery

Carotid arteries carry blood away from the heart to the head, brain and face and also transport oxygen to the front parts of the brain that control our movements, feelings and speech. If these get clogged due to fatty deposits - often described as 'furring of the arteries' - it can lead to life-threatening problems. One of our top vascular surgeons, Mr S. Tawqeer Rashid, explains the warning signs and how you can reduce your risk of it developing.

HIFU, the new way to treat varicose veins (part one)

HIFU stands for “High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound”. Basically, it is a completely non-invasive way to treat structures under the skin, by beaming ultrasound through the skin itself. Professor Mark Whiteley and his team at The Whiteley Clinic are the first to use HIFU to treat varicose veins and venous leg ulcers, among other conditions. Learn all about HIFU in this article!

What is endovenous laser ablation (EVLA)?

Endovenous laser ablation is a method of treating varicose veins using a laser and guided imaging to close damaged veins. While it treats underlying veins that lead to the bulging varicose veins that we see on the surface, EVLA alone doesn’t treat the visible surface veins. Professor Mark Whiteley tells us more about EVLA, when it was first used, how it works and how much it costs.

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