Articoli del centro: Harley Street Dental Studio Più di 7996 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Why you might want a full mouth rehabilitation

A full mouth rehabilitation can be a life-changing solution for individuals experiencing significant dental issues. Whether you are struggling with severe tooth wear, missing teeth or misalignment, this comprehensive dental treatment restores function, aesthetics and overall oral health. It’s not just about improving your smile; it also ensures that your teeth and jaw work harmoniously, improving your quality of life.

Dental erosion: How to prevent tooth structure loss

Dental erosion is a serious oral health concern that can lead to the gradual loss of tooth structure. Understanding its causes, how it differs from other forms of tooth wear, its available treatments, and prevention strategies is essential for maintaining a healthy smile. Dr Anne Korkis, leading general and cosmetic dentist and facial aesthetics clinician, provides an expert insight.

Dental implants: Just like natural teeth

In adulthood, factors like gum disease, trauma, cavities and poor oral hygiene can lead to the loss of our teeth. To replace these missing teeth - and in turn, restore dental health - some people may choose to consider dental implants, artificial teeth roots made of titanium with a ceramic crown on top that produce very natural results. Dr David Bloom, one of the UK’s leading restorative and cosmetic dentists, explains more.

Crowns, dentures, implants... what exactly is complex restorative dentistry?

Keeping your teeth in tip top condition can be key to a great smile. But sometimes, this involves a wide range of comprehensive treatments known as complex restorative dentistry. In this article, Dr David Bloom, talks us through what exactly complex restorative dentistry is and the type of treatments it might involve.

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