Articoli del centro: Syon Clinic - part of Circle Health Group Più di 6696 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Prostate cancer: symptoms, diagnosis and new treatment

You may be wondering about the best way prostate cancer should be treated and what the latest innovations are for this condition. We recently got in contact with the highly established consultant urologist, Mr Mathias Winkler, to find out the answers to your frequently asked questions related to this disease. In this article, he shares his expert advice.

early pregnancy complications

Expecting a baby is an exciting and emotional time! During the first few months, you can expect various changes to your body; some which are harmless and others which may need some more attention. London-based obstetrician and gynaecologist, Dr Sharmistha Guha, gives us an overview of some of the most common complications a woman can face in the first trimester.

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