Articoli del centro: The Chiltern Hospital - part of Circle Health Group Più di 6851 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Radical prostatectomy: Risks and side-effects

A radical prostatectomy can cause a range of side-effects, from standard wound infections to erectile dysfunction. However, there are fortunately a range of treatment options to ensure you’re as fully functioning as possible in the penile area, if you ever need to get this procedure done, Mr Neil Haldar, a leading urologist, spoke with us to let us know what exactly are the risks of a radical prostatectomy, side effects from the surgery and some of the treatment options available.

I have a neck lump: what happens now?

If you have a neck lump, you should visit an ear, nose and throat specialist as soon as possible. A neck lump isn't a cause for panic but as Mr Jonathan Hughes, a leading ENT specialist, explains in this article, it's always best to get a neck lump checked. He provides you with what happens when you have a neck lump and provides a detailed description of what to expect from your examination if needed, your treatment.

Nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy

A radical prostatectomy involves much more than just the removal of the prostate glands. A radical prostatectomy is an invasive and intricate procedure, it needs extreme attention to detail for a successful result. Luckily, top urologists such as Mr Neil Haldar are around in order to carry out surgeries such as this one successfully. We recently sat and spoke with him to find out some of the different approaches when carrying out this procedure and what is removed during a radical prostatectomy.

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