Considering a lip lift? Here's what you should know
Autore:Top Doctors recently had the opportunity to quiz highly esteemed London-based plastic surgeon, Mr George Christopoulos, on what exactly a lip lift procedure entails, and who the ideal candidates are for the facial operation.
What exactly is a lip lift?
A lip lift is a local anaesthetic procedure with an inconspicuous scar that is well-hidden in the natural crease under the nose or inside the lip. The traditional lip lift technique involves the excision of a specific pattern scheme under the nose in order to reduce the distance between the nose and the mouth, to increase the height of the red part of the lip, and to evert the lip.
The enhancement of the upper lip with the inner approach involves a scar that is hidden inside the mouth, which can also invert the upper lip.
How long does this procedure take, and is it safe?
Lip lift surgery takes approximately 40 minutes, and can be performed under local anaesthesia. We use tender anaesthetic injections to numb the upper lip. The sutures are removed around one week after the operation.
The scar is generally very well-disguised and leaves an aesthetically pleasing result. However, some people have the tendency to develop thicker scars, which is the main risk involved.
In terms of results, what can patients expect?
After a lip lift, there is some degree of swelling that settles after a few weeks. At that point though, the results are pretty impressive, as with our technique, we can decrease the distance between the nose and mouth, increase the height of the red part of the upper lip, and evert the upper lip.
As a result, we can change the proportions of the lower face in a more aesthetically pleasing manner.
Who is the ideal candidate for a lip lift?
The ideal candidates are those who have quite a distance between their nose and mouth, and those who have thin or inverted lips. Patients who are experiencing facial ageing are also ideal candidates.
What are the main risks involved?
Bleeding, infection, asymmetry, and scar problems are the main risks associated with a lip lift. Careful planning and delicate execution are of utmost importance.
If you are considering having a lip lift, make sure to book an appointment with Mr George Christopoulos today via his Top Doctors profile.