Articoli del medico: Dr Abraham Neduvamkunnil Più di 6851 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Eczema in children: a parent’s guide

As parents, we always want what's best for our children, especially when it comes to their health and well-being. Eczema, a common skin condition in children, can often be a source of concern and confusion. Experienced consultant paediatrician Dr Abraham Neduvamkunnil provides a guide for parents, explaining what eczema is, its symptoms, possible triggers, and how to manage and alleviate its effects on your child's skin.

Helping your child beat constipation: Causes, signs, and solutions

Childhood constipation can be a common but concerning issue for many parents. It is crucial to understand the leading causes, early signs, and preventive measures to ensure your child's digestive health. In his latest online article, Dr Abraham Neduvamkunnil explores the causes of constipation in children, the impact of diet, recognising symptoms, natural remedies, and the importance of early intervention.

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