Articoli del medico: Dr Amit Patel Più di 6696 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Breathlessness: Your questions answered

Feeling short of breath, for example when exercising, is usually a healthy and natural response. However, breathlessness might sometimes be a sign of an underlying issue caused by respiratory, cardiac, or neurological issues for example. Here to provide an expert insight into breathlessness is Dr Amit Patel, leading London-based Consultant Respiratory physician.

Asthma symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Asthma is an inflammation of the lungs that causes the airway flow to become strained. The result of this is a difficulty in breathing (it has been compared to trying to breathe through a straw) and this can be worrying or in some cases, life-threatening. Fortunately, there are various treatments that exist. Learn the key facts about symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in this article.

Taking precautions against the coronavirus (COVID-19)

Dr Amit Patel, a leading consultant in pulmonology and respiratory medicine, clarifies what we currently know about the coronavirus Covid-19 as of the 4th of March 2020. This includes how it spreads, why people are being asked to self-isolate and the factor of age with the virus. He also shares with you advice from medical professionals and reliable and frequently updated information sources.

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