Articoli del medico: Professor Andrew Sidebottom Più di 7996 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Wisdom teeth: FAQ

Wisdom teeth are the final set of molars at the back of the mouth, typically erupting in late adolescence or early adulthood. Due to limited space or abnormal growth angles, they often become impacted, causing pain, infections, and difficulties in cleaning, Leading consultant oral and maxillofacial surgeon Professor Andrew Sidebottom answers your frequently asked questions about wisdom teeth.

All about temporomandibular joint replacement (TMJ)

There’s a variety of reasons why TMJ replacement surgery is required. Temporomandibular joint treatment to replace the jaw can take place due to an accident or jaw bone removal due to tumours, bone infection or arthritis. Highly-experienced and respected oral and maxillofacial surgeon Professor Andrew Sidebottom speaks to Top Doctors about what’s involved in the TMJ replacement procedure for patients who are due to have this operation.

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