Articoli del medico: Mr Florian Bast Più di 6749 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Septoplasty: what to expect before, during and after the procedure

If you have a crooked septum that doesn't run down the centre of your nose, making it difficult for you to breathe, then continue reading to understand what surgical options you have to fix this condition and the airflow through your nose. Mr Florian Bast, a leading otolaryngologist and facial plastic surgeon in London, explains everything you need to know about the surgical procedure.

Unblocking the sinuses with balloon techniques

The sinuses are a connected system of hollow cavities in the skull. The largest sinus cavities are about an inch wide. Others are much smaller. They’re lined with soft, pink tissue called mucosa. Normally, the sinuses are empty, except for a thin layer of mucus. Otolaryngologist and facial plastic surgeon Mr Florian Bast talks to us about sinuses, the Eustachian tube and the role of balloon technology to treat blocked sinuses and Eustachian tube dysfunction.

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