Articoli del medico: Dr Julian Hague Più di 7589 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Dealing with deep vein thrombosis

Blood clots can be a scary idea – a clump of congealed blood rattling around in your veins. While clotting is necessary to stop bleeding if you cut yourself, this quality can become damaging or even deadly if a clot forms in the bloodstream and blocks a blood vessel. Dr Julian Hague, a top clinical and interventional radiologist based in London explains deep vein thrombosis.

What is TACE?

There are on average 16 new cases of liver cancer every day in the UK, and the risk increases the older we get. While we’ve all heard of chemotherapy, one treatment that is less well known is TACE (transarterial chemo-embolisation). We asked top clinical and interventional radiologist Dr Julian Hague to explain this liver cancer treatment.

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