Articoli del medico: Mr Krishna Moorthy Più di 7589 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

How important is it to treat a hernia?

A protruding lump caused by tissue and organs pushing through the muscle wall, might be a hernia. Affecting people of all ages, hernias can develop into dangerous conditions if they are not managed correctly. Mr Krishna Moorthy, highly esteemed surgeon, provides a comprehensive overview of hernias, explaining what are the causes, how important is it to treat a hernia and what are the side effects of hernia surgery.

Personalised approach to GORD by an expert

While everyone experiences minor symptoms of acid reflux at some point, usually following a spicy meal, reflux can become quite problematic in some people when it occurs frequently and in some people it can completely disrupt their life. With a number of available treatment options, selecting one that is suitable and appropriate for an individual can be quite a dilemma. Providing some guidance, experienced consultant surgeon Mr Krishna Moorthy goes into the personalised approach to GORD in this article.

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