Articoli del medico: Mr Michael Wanis Più di 7589 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Cutting through with Aquablation.

Aquablation is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses high-pressure water jets to resect any excess tissue of the prostate. It is a new technology that is changing how men can get treatment for benign prostate enlargement (BPE). In this article, a consultant urologist explains this technique in further detail.

Low libido in men: Causes, diagnosis, and treatment

Low libido, commonly known as low sex drive, is a subtle aspect of men's sexual health marked by a reduced interest in sexual activities. While it differs from erectile dysfunction, the two often overlap, influenced by factors that tend to gain prominence as men age. In his latest online article, Mr Michael Wanis explores low libido, and finds that it involves more than just physical aspects, covering psychological, lifestyle, and medical factors that collectively impact male sexual well-being.

Understanding erectile dysfunction: From diagnosis to treatment

​Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a prevalent condition, particularly as men age. By the age of 40, approximately one in 20 men experiences persistent ED, a number that escalates to about one in seven by the age of 70. Occasional instances of ED can manifest at any age, affecting the majority of men at some point in their lives. We learn more about how erectile dysfunction can be managed in this informative article from highly respected consultant urological surgeon and andrologist Mr Michael Wanis.

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