Articoli del medico: Dr Morwenna Opie Più di 6696 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

What are the most common mental health disorders?

Mental health disorders are an ever-present problem in modern society – many people will experience anxiety, depression, stress, or one of many other conditions with their lifetimes. Traumatic experiences can rock our worlds to the extent that we can't quite make sense of them. Expert clinical psychologist Dr Morwenna Opie is here to explain the most common types of mental health disorder and what can be done about them.

How can a clinical psychologist help with a physical health problem?

Clinical psychologists are increasingly recognised as a key part of a clinical team, and patients generally regard their support as invaluable. But what exactly do clinical psychologists do? If you’ve been referred to a clinical psychologist, what can you expect? We asked Dr Morwenna Opie, clinical psychologist at the London Cardiovascular clinic, for an insight into this undervalued profession.

What can we do to promote our own mental health and well-being?

Looking after our mental health needs to become part of our routine, like exercising, drinking water and eating healthily. Similarly, it requires regular attention or our skills fade and there are always new things we can learn, explore and do. Dr Morwenna Opie, a clinical health psychologist and expert in mindfulness therapies shares her advice on how we can start our own journey of well-being and self-care.

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