Articoli del medico: Professor Owen Epstein Più di 7589 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Can I still have an endoscopy during COVID-19?

During the coronavirus crisis, some patients may still need to see their gastroenterologist for diagnosis in conditions such as Crohn's disease or even bowel cancer detection. Normally, such conditions are diagnosed using a fibre-optic endoscopy but as it's too intrusive and creates aerosol particles, there is an alternative way to be tested. Professor Owen Epstein explains everything you need to know about capsule endoscopy.

The gut-brain connection

Have certain situations ever made you feel "sick to your stomach"? How often have you felt "butterflies" or decided to just "go with your gut"? These expressions exist for a reason; they reflect an important connection between our brain and gut, highlighting how sensitive our digestive system is to our emotions such as anxiety, stress and even depression. Professor Owen Epstein, a pioneering professor of gastroenterology, explains more.

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