Articoli del medico: Miss Philippa Jackson Più di 6749 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Breast uplift surgery: FAQ

A breast uplift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure that many women choose to undergo to reshape and lift sagging breasts, restoring their firmness and youthful appearance. Leading consultant plastic surgeon Miss Philippa Jackson answers your frequently asked questions about the procedure, including the risks involved and the recovery process.

Ask an expert: mastopexy after implants

Mastopexy and breast implant surgery are two popular breast procedures, undergone by thousands of women in the UK each year. However, some woman may wish to combine surgeries and ask themselves the question “how does this work?” Leading consultant plastic surgeon and certified cosmetic surgeon Miss Philippa Jackson gives us a foolproof guide on what to consider and expect from combining both treatments.

Surgery for breast asymmetry: Expert insight on the available options

If you are unhappy about the asymmetry of your breasts, there are various surgical options available which can help to correct differences in size, shape, positioning and volume. We invited highly esteemed consultant plastic surgeon Miss Philippa Jackson to discuss breast asymmetry, how and when it develops and the most common surgical approaches used to address the issue.

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