Articoli del medico: Dr Rupa Parmar Più di 6926 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Fexofenadine: A comprehensive guide to managing allergies

With approximately 49% of individuals in the UK grappling with hay fever, the pursuit of effective treatments is on the rise. Antihistamines, such as Fexofenadine, have emerged as a valuable solution, particularly for relieving common allergy symptoms like those associated with hay fever. In her latest online article, Dr Rupa Parmar delves into the advantages and drawbacks of Fexofenadine treatment.

Coping with menopause: The ins and outs of hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

As women age, hormonal changes can take a toll on their physical and emotional well-being. However, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) offers a safe and effective solution for addressing the symptoms of menopause and low testosterone levels. Many individuals hope to see rapid results when they begin HRT treatment, but it's essential to understand that this therapy doesn't produce immediate effects. The timeline for experiencing improvements varies, with some women noticing changes relatively quickly, while others may take several weeks or even months to see results. In this article, Dr Rupa Parmar explores the different stages of HRT treatment, its benefits, and potential risks.

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