How do I know if I need elbow surgery?

Autore: Mr Nick Ferran
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 02/05/2023
Editor: Lisa Heffernan

Most chronic elbow conditions can be helped with non-surgical management such as physiotherapy. However, some conditions continue to cause pain or stiffness despite physiotherapy and may require surgery. Some common conditions requiring elbow surgery are cubital tunnel syndrome (ulnar nerve compression at the elbow), arthritis, loose bodies or degenerative changes in the elbow, tennis elbow and some fractures or dislocations.


We asked orthopaedic surgeon Mr Nick Ferran about shoulder surgery and how to take care of your elbow afterwards.

How long does elbow surgery take?

Elbow surgery time varies depending on the procedure. Minor procedures such as cubital tunnel syndrome can take around half an hour. Keyhole operations on the elbow may take up to an hour and some fractures and dislocations can take several hours to treat.


What do I wear after elbow surgery?

Elbows can become stiff very quickly after surgery. Most of the time after an elbow operation the surgeon will want to get the elbow moving as soon as possible so the elbow will be wrapped up in bandages and there may be a temporary sling.


Your surgeon will tell you when to take the bandages off and when to remove the sling based on the type of elbow surgery you have had. Sometimes after the bandages are removed you may need to wear a sleeve on the elbow but your surgeon will tell you if this is necessary. Most of the time Mr Ferran and his team prefer not to have any sleeves or splints as these can block movement and cause stiffness.


How can I elevate my arm effectively after elbow surgery?

After elbow surgery and especially when bandages are on, the hand, wrist, and forearm can swell, compressing the nerves. Elevation is important to keep swelling down and prevent problems with nerve compression.


When standing or walking, the hand should be on the opposite side of the chest. When sitting, if the chair or sofa has an arm, the elbow should be rested on the arm of the chair or sofa with the fingers pointing to the ceiling. Making a full fist and fully opening the hand will help push fluid down the arm and reduce swelling.


At night in bed, have a cushion by your side, rest the elbow on the bed and have the hand on the cushion. This incline to the forearm will help avoid swelling overnight.


Do you need a cast after elbow surgery?

We very rarely use casts after elbow surgery because of the risk of swelling. In some rare cases, they may be used to either protect your wound or to protect a fragile fracture.


When can I restart exercise after elbow surgery?

When you can return to exercise and sport depends on the type of elbow surgery you have had. Some operations have a quick return to sports, while surgery for fractures and ligaments can take longer for the elbow to heal. Either way, you will most likely need to start exercising the elbow early with your physiotherapist but your surgeon will give full instructions before and after your procedure so you know what to expect.


Are you experiencing chronic elbow pain? Contact Mr Nick Ferran and his team for a consultation.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Nick Ferran

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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