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Più di 6749 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Life after gastric bypass surgery: What to expect

Gastric bypass surgery requires significant lifestyle adjustments, starting with a strict fluid-only diet that gradually transitions to solids, while avoiding sweets to prevent complications. Recovery includes a brief hospital stay and a gradual return to activities. Though rare, complications can occur, including nutritional deficiencies. Regular exercise is essential for sustained weight loss, typically noticeable within the first year. In his latest online article, Mr Ahmed Hamouda explores the necessary dietary changes, recovery process, potential complications, and expected outcomes following gastric bypass surgery.

Redazione internazionale di Top Doctors

Redazione internazionale di Top Doctors
Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione

Neurological rehabilitation following traumatic injury: A path to recovery

Neurological rehabilitation following a traumatic injury is crucial in supporting patients who have experienced brain or spinal cord injuries to regain independence and enhance their quality of life. Here, Dr Vijay Kolli, leading consultant in physical and rehabilitation medicine at the renowned Cleveland Clinic London Rehabilitation Unit, provides an expert insight into the process and the journey towards recovery.

Stem cells: A promising alternative to surgery for back and joint pain

Chronic back and joint pain can significantly affect your quality of life. Traditionally, severe cases are often treated with surgery, which can be invasive and require a long recovery period. However, recent advancements in medical science have introduced stem cell therapy as a less invasive and promising alternative. Consultant rheumatologist Dr Anthony Hammond explores how stem cells work and why they might be a favourable option for managing back and joint pain.

Redazione internazionale di Top Doctors

Redazione internazionale di Top Doctors

Rehabilitation of neurological conditions: A path to recovery

Neurological conditions, such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and traumatic brain injury, can profoundly impact one’s life. These conditions often affect movement, speech, memory, and other critical functions. Rehabilitation plays a vital role in managing these impacts, helping patients regain independence and improve their quality of life. Leading consultant in rehabilitation medicine, Dr Emer McGilloway, who practises at Cleveland Clinic London discusses all you need to know.

The importance of breast implant scans

Breast implants are common in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. While these implants can significantly boost confidence and aesthetics, they sometimes present complications that require medical attention. Understanding the role of breast implant scans is crucial for early detection and effective management of potential issues. Leading consultant radiologist Dr Thaj Rehman explains what breast implant scans are, when they are necessary and what to expect during the procedure.

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