The art of tooth contouring

Autore: Dr Sahil Patel
Editor: Carlota Pano

Tooth contouring, also known as dental contouring or tooth reshaping, is a cosmetic dental procedure aimed at improving the appearance of teeth, enhancing the symmetry and appearance of the smile.


Here, Dr Sahil Patel, leading cosmetic dentist in London, offers his expert insight into tooth contouring, discussing its technique, various benefits, and overall impact on dental aesthetics.



What is tooth contouring?


Tooth contouring is the accurate reshaping of teeth within enamel to make them appear straighter and more balanced within the smile.


Who needs tooth contouring?


As a cosmetic dentist treatment, there is no ‘need’ to have tooth contouring. However, for many people who have suffered small chipsasymmetric tooth wear, or who generally have misaligned or large teeth, teeth contouring can work exceptionally well to improve shape without having comprehensive dental correction.


How is tooth contouring performed?


We use polycarbonate discs infused with aluminium oxide at different grades of intensity to gently reshape the teeth. These discs incorporate a safety feature; they burn out quickly when used against tooth structure, meaning that excessive contouring is not likely.


What are the benefits of tooth contouring?


Tooth contouring is possibly the only treatment in dentistry which is permanent and does not require maintenance. As we do not add material to the teeth, the natural tooth structure remains intact and can continue to last a lifetime with appropriate dental care.


Tooth contouring is also very well suited for young people who may not require or desire comprehensive dental correction but would still like a subtle improvement.


Are there any potential risks or side effects with tooth contouring?


Teeth sensitivity is the only risk with tooth contouring, and this is almost always temporary. Our advice after the procedure is to avoid extreme temperatures in food and drink for 24 - 48 hours. Following this period, the risk of sensitivity typically reduces.


How much does tooth contouring cost?


The cost of tooth contouring varies according to the complexity of the teeth, but it typically starts from £395.  



If you are considering tooth contouring and would like to consult your options with an expert, schedule an appointment with Dr Sahil Patel via his Top Doctors profile today.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Dr Sahil Patel
Odontoiatria e stomatologia

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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