ipnosi clinica è una tecnica che, attraverso una serie di istruzioni preliminari, permette di mettere il paziente in uno stato ipnotico. In questo stato, lo specialista può trattare vari disturbi psicologici come ansia e lo stress.
10-10-2013Ipnosi clinica
ipnosi clinica è una tecnica che, attraverso una serie di istruzioni preliminari, permette di mettere il paziente in uno stato ipnotico. In questo stato, lo specialista può trattare vari disturbi psicologici come ansia e lo stress.
Hypnosis through history
Dr Sue Peacock
For many people, hypnosis is a magic trick performed by entertainers on TV or on holiday. However, it can also be a powerful tool in the world of pain management. Hypnotism in one form or another has been used throughout history to alleviate pain and suffering of patients with mental, physical, and emotional issues. Dr Sue Peacock gives us a brief history of hypnotism and some of the key figures in its development. Mostrare di più
What is clinical hypnosis?
Dr Sue Peacock
Dr Sue Peacock is a leading health psychologist, and an expert in using clinical hypnosis as a therapeutic tool in her practice. Here she explains how it works and dispels the assumptions surrounding 'hypnosis'. Mostrare di più
Making safe choices when integrating complementary or alternative therapies into cancer treatment
Dr Sarah Partridge
Do you immediately think of self-hypnosis as a complementary cancer therapy? The importance of consulting your medical support team about any alternative treatments you may be considering and the benefits of self-hypnosis as a safe choice in your treatment journey are considered in this informative and interesting article by consultant clinical oncologist Dr Sarah Partridge. Mostrare di più
Medici esperti in Ipnosi clinica
Dr Sue Peacock
PsicologiaEsperto in:
- Ipnosi clinica
- Psicoterapia cognitivo comportamentale
- Fobia del dentista
- Insonnia
- Psiconcologia
- Disturbi psicosomatici
Dr Sarah Alsawy-Davies
PsicologiaEsperto in:
- Psicoterapia cognitivo comportamentale
- Ipnosi clinica
- Ansia
- Terapia di coppia
- Disturbi della personalità
- Divorzio
- Visualizzare tutti
The Saxon Clinic - part of Circle Health Group
The Saxon Clinic - part of Circle Health Group
V7 Saxon St, Coffee Hall, Milton Keynes MK6 5LR
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The Saxon Clinic - part of Circle Health Group
V7 Saxon St, Coffee Hall, Milton Keynes MK6 5LR, Milton KeynesEsperto in:
- Chirurgia generale
- Chirurgia ortopedica
- Gastroenterologia
- Ginecologia e Ostetricia
- Pediatria
- Urologia