What is a fracture?
A fracture is the medical term for a broken bone.
There are many different kinds of fracture; the type often depends on the severity of the cause. The break may be total or partial. If the force of the trauma only slightly exceeded the breaking point, the bone may merely crack. However, in the case of extreme force, such as in a road traffic accident, the bone may be shattered. If the broken bone then punctures the skin, this is known as a compound fracture or open fracture.
What is a fracture?
A fracture is the medical term for a broken bone.
There are many different kinds of fracture; the type often depends on the severity of the cause. The break may be total or partial. If the force of the trauma only slightly exceeded the breaking point, the bone may merely crack. However, in the case of extreme force, such as in a road traffic accident, the bone may be shattered. If the broken bone then punctures the skin, this is known as a compound fracture or open fracture.
Rib fractures: a comprehensive guide for patients
Mr Marco Scarci
Highly skilled consultant thoracic surgeon Mr Marco Scarci explains everything you need to know about recovering from fractured or broken ribs. Mostrare di più
What's the best treatment for osteoporosis?
Dr Federica Boecklin
The best treatment for osteoporosis typically involves a combination of lifestyle changes, medications, and supplements aimed at strengthening bones, preventing fractures, and slowing down bone loss. A condition where bones become weak and brittle, it often affects older adults, particularly postmenopausal women. A personalised treatment plan is essential, as the best approach can vary depending on the severity of the condition, age, and overall health of the individual. Here to tell us all about it, is leading specialist in integrative medicine Dr Federica Boecklin. Mostrare di più
How to tell if you have a broken hand
Mr Andrew Logan
We spoke with a highly experienced orthpaedic surgeon, Mr Andrew Logan, to find out about hand and wrist surgery, he gave us some of the answers to your faqs on broken hands, treatment and fractures. We also learnt why it's important to diagnose a fracture early and how long the healing process takes. Mostrare di più
Broken (fractured) ankles: FAQs answered by a specialist
Mr Rohit Madhav
An ankle fracture can put a pause on activity and other aspects of life until it heals. Naturally, if you have a broken ankle you'll want to know how quickly it can heal, how it will heal and if it will ever be the same as before the fracture. Mr Rohit Madhav answers these questions and more. Mostrare di più
Medici esperti in Frattura
Mr Stephen Lipscombe
TraumatologiaEsperto in:
- Chirurgia della mano
- Chirurgia del polso
- Tunnel carpale
- Dita a scatto
- Frattura
- Artroscopia delle piccole articolazioni
Professor Nima Heidari
TraumatologiaEsperto in:
- Chirurgia del piede e della caviglia
- Bone allungamento
- Osteomielite
- Osteotomia
- Lesioni sono danni
- Frattura
Professor Mohamed Imam
TraumatologiaEsperto in:
- Frattura
- Spalla
- Chirurgia del polso
- Chirurgia della mano
- Artroscopia delle piccole articolazioni
- Gomito
Mr Ansar Mahmood
TraumatologiaEsperto in:
- Frattura
- Infiltrazioni articolari
- Bio-stimolazione con plasma ricco di piastrine
- Cellule madri
- artrite
- Ginocchio
Mr Francesc Malagelada
TraumatologiaEsperto in:
- Lesioni sono danni
- Lesioni traumatiche
- Frattura
- Artroscopia della caviglia
- Cipolla (Alluce valgo)
- Visualizzare tutti
New Victoria Hospital
New Victoria Hospital
184 Coombe Lane West, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 7EG
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Top Doctors
Capital Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
Capital Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
164 Cromwell Rd
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Top Doctors
OS Clinic
OS Clinic
OS Clinic, 45 Queen Anne St, London W1G 9JF
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Top Doctors
New Victoria Hospital
184 Coombe Lane West, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 7EG, South LondonEsperto in:
- Cardiologia
- Chirurgia generale
- Chirurgia ortopedica
- Chirurgia plastica
- Gestione del dolore
- Colonna vertebrale
Capital Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
164 Cromwell Rd, West LondonEsperto in:
- Chirurgia ad accesso minimo (chirurgia del buco della serratura)
- Chirurgia ortopedica
- Chirurgia robotica
- Spalla e gomito
- Piede e caviglia
- Ginocchio
OS Clinic
OS Clinic, 45 Queen Anne St, London W1G 9JF, W1G Marylebone LondonEsperto in:
- Anca
- Chirurgia ad accesso minimo (chirurgia del buco della serratura)
- Chirurgia per la preservazione delle articolazioni
- Chirurgia maxillo facciale
- Chirurgia ortopedica
- Chirurgia spinale ortopedica